Thursday, April 20, 2023

Common Problems Families Need to Face Head On


Families often have to face a multitude of problems simultaneously. Some are easily solvable, while others may need a long-term solution to be rectified. While it can be tempting to avoid dealing with them and pretend they're not happening, issues should be resolved for the well-being of every family member involved, especially the kids. Here are some of the most common problems families need to face head-on.


A family member losing their job affects everyone, and if they were the single provider it can be devastating. Stress is one of the many issues that commonly arise in these situations. Millions of people in the United States are currently unemployed, and with mass layoffs occurring, it's no secret that finding a new job is challenging in this current environment. According to Statista, as of December 2022, 5.72 million people were unemployed. Losing a source of income can create tension within a family, making the circumstances harder for everyone involved.

Rather than let the tension build or pretend the situation isn't happening, create a financial plan to help you through this difficult time. Create a budget and reduce expenses where you can. That way, you'll have a solid foundation when you do find a new job.

Also, stay proactive when it comes to job hunting. Explore new career opportunities, tap into your professional network for referrals and to see who's hiring, and learn some new skills while you wait. Confronting the situation will make it easier to cope with the financial stress.

Aging Homes

Older homes appeal to families for many reasons. They are often cheaper than newly built properties and offer a vintage charm that is hard to find. Sometimes houses are carried through generations, meaning that they're highly sentimental.

If you're living in an aging home, it's important to be prepared for any issues that may arise. Things like outdated plumbing can cause your toilet to overflow to the floor beneath it, old wiring can be a fire hazard, and poor insulation can raise energy bills. The condition of your property affects everyone living there and can cause frustration if it isn't addressed.

According to Comfy Living, more than 50% of homes in the United States were built before 1980, so if you're dealing with a home that needs to be modernized, you are not alone. Some things are reasonable to live with, like a dated kitchen or bathroom, but others are not. Be proactive with issues that arise and maintain open communication the entire time. Address safety concerns immediately, and ensure everyone in the family feels safe in the home.

Dental Health

Oral health is a source of stress for many people, especially a family with children. You'll often spend a considerable amount of money on your child's dental care, while sometimes having to fight to get them there. Children often won't tell you when there's an issue with their teeth until it's too painful to ignore.

According to the CDC, over half of adolescents aged 12 to 19 have had at least one cavity in their permanent teeth. Your teens probably aren't worried about the repercussions of not having their teeth checked regularly, as things like gum disease, tooth loss, and even heart disease seem too unlikely to worry about. Rather than fight them to get them to go, explain why they should prioritize their health. Talk with your dental professional to learn how to alleviate your children's fears and get them focused on protecting their smiles.

No family is perfect, no matter how hard they try to make it seem. Issues will arise even in the most picture-perfect household, so you should tackle tension and frustration head-on. Open communication and resolution will help you build a loving and supportive environment for every family member.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24