*Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.
It was stupid of Kristen to move across the country before verifying that her sighting of the man who broke her heart meant he'd come back permanently rather than just for a short visit.
That's right. My latest impetuous actions have warranted me being added to the dictionary. You can also find me under I for ironic, as in, isn't it ironic how Kristen moved to Mississippi to get away from her lying heartbreaker ex Harvey only to discover that Mississippi is where Harvey actually lives?
Yup. So ironic, Alanis Morissette could use the situation to write a sequel to her biggest hit.
Now here I am stuck in the same city as the man I thought I'd gotten over. The man who I can't seem to stop running into. The man who seems bent on not only digging up the memories of our relationship but on creating new even better ones too.
I won't let myself fall for him again though. I can't. Not when I'm carrying around a secret that is sure to make him leave me all over again.
Falling for Harvey again would be, well, stupid.

As a child, Heather Miekstyn used to spend hours in her room creating characters, then writing out the first half of their stories before eventually losing steam. Then she discovered the romance genre and realized the key to finishing any good story-a happy ending.
Heather resides in Michigan with her husband, four daughters, and their rambunctious black lab. When she is not writing, she can be found reading, running, or playing Bananagrams. She hopes her books leave you feeling like you’ve just been hugged by a Hallmark movie.
For more information visit her website, www.heathermiekstyn.com or follow her on Instagram @heathermiekstyn
Heather Miekstyn is a new to me author, and I must admit that I can be a little apprehensive about trying out new romance authors. As someone who prefers clean reads, it can sometimes be a little difficult to know what you're going to get, which is one reason that I've often leaned more toward sticking with books marketed as Christian fiction. This one was not. The author did have mentions of her personal faith in her bio though, so I hoped it would be a pretty safe bet. Still, you just never know.
I am happy to report that if you are looking for a great read you can enjoy without fear of content, this one certainly fits the bill. Yes, there were some wonderfully written kissing scenes, but nothing you'd be embarrassed to read in front of your grandma!
This had a wonderful blend of humor and romance that you would expect from a RomCom. I cannot tell you the number of times I found myself laughing out loud throughout. A meddling aunt and uncle aiding things along brought out many laughs as well... and I absolutely loved it. Beyond that though, this story had a lot of heart and touched on some heavier topics too, such as the loss of a parent and infertility issues. As often as I found myself laughing throughout, there were times when I likewise found myself tearing up too...but it all worked together to create a wonderful read that I could not put down. This might have been my first read from the author, but it certainly will NOT be my last.
Overall, I truly enjoyed this heartfelt second-chance romance. If you are looking for a sweet (clean) romance, this is certainly one worth checking out.
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