Thursday, March 30, 2023

Authentic Influencer: Book Review + Enter To Win #authenticinfluencer #christianinfluencer #faithinfluencer #barnabas #thebarnabasway

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations. -Matthew 28:19

What is an influencer? 

When you read that question, many of you might have gone to social media influencers. People who have large followings and use that following to help sell a product or a lifestyle. These days, that's probably the most common thing we talk about when it comes to being an influencer. And truth be told, it's not always thought of in the most positive of lights either. 

While that is certainly one type of influencer, if we look at the definition an influencer is strictly someone who has influence over another. Not over millions, but just over one. If we consider it that way, aren't we all influencers to someone? It doesn't matter if we have a million followers online or if we're the most prominent member of our church or community... each and every one of us has the power to influence those around us wherever we might be... and what better way to use that influence than to glorify and honor God. 

But how can we do that? 

Today, I'm excited to share a book that can help us learn to do so- Authentic Influencer by Jonathan Murphy. 

About the Book:

You may feel like an ordinary believer, but God has a knack of using ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. Authentic Influencer encourages you to walk with Barnabas, learn from God, and shape the world for Jesus Christ— one life at a time.

God's approach to influencing the world is through His people. People shape people. And yet, many of God's people spectate from the sidelines unsure of what to do. Authentic Influencer is rooted in principles emerging from the life of God's choice example in the Scriptures—a man called Barnabas—rather than recycled quotes from corporate leadership works.

Every follower of Jesus can be inspired, instructed, and mobilized to influence the world from right where they are. In fact, it is everyday believers—not just "professional" Christians such as pastors, church leaders, authors, and others—who are specifically tasked by Jesus Himself to bring godly influence to the world. We are all His agents of change, be it shaping one person or a thousand.

Authentic Influencer is a Christian leadership book that:

-Highlights 15 key principles that emerge from Barnabas that are relevant, practical, and customizable to every believer
-Inspires you to shape those around you for Christ
-Urges you to practice investing in others through discipleship
-Challenges you with inspiring stories and practical wisdom emerging from biblical truths

By studying the life of Barnabas, we see how he influenced the world for Jesus Christ in practical and doable ways. Become encouraged to shape our world for Jesus— beginning with whoever happens to be close by.

In this book, the author offers us what he calls the 'Barnabas Principles', fifteen principles based upon Barnabas' life. Now, I've heard and read about Barnabas many, many times in my Bible reading... but never have I really dug deeper into who he was and how God used him as this book offered... and I loved having the chance to do so. There are so many figures in the Bible that we tend to just read over without giving too much thought, but each one of them is placed in these stories for a reason. I appreciate books like this one that help us to focus on that reason and dive deeper into the scripture than surface level. This one does it well in a way that is relevant and beneficial to every believer whether our place of influence is online, on a stage or even in our own home. While I haven't had the chance to finish reading this one, I'm certainly appreciating what I am seeing so far. 

Imagine how much greater this world will be if we choose to use our influence to help bring Jesus to others. That's something this world certainly needs... and this book offers us a great place to start. 

You can learn more and purchase your own copy here:

Want to win a copy? Visit here for the chance to win:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24