Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Sandwich Generation's Guide to Nursing Homes

 Being in the sandwich generation can be incredibly stressful,and you may be starting to feel overwhelmed by your caring responsibilities. As such, if it is getting too much and you are starting to think about looking at nursing homes for the senior in your life, here is a guide that will help you to navigate them for your elderly relative. 

Should You Look at Nursing Homes? 

It can often seem like a betrayal to look at nursing homes for your loved one and you might feel guilty about doing so. However, a nursing home might be the right option for your loved one if they are completely reliant on you. As a parent, you will need to give a lot of time and thought to your children, and this is not always possible when you also have to juggle the needs of an elderly relative. If your senior is starting to show signs of a lack of independence, and if you do not have enough time to give them, it might be best to look at nursing homes for them, especially if you believe that they are not safe enough at home when you are not there. Moving them into a nursing home will ensure that you can relax about their care and in the knowledge that they are being looked after 24/7, even when you are busy. This can also stop you from feeling constantly stressed about your situation. 

How Can You Find a Great Nursing Home? 

The quest to find a perfect nursing home can be difficult in itself, though, and you might sometimes struggle to find the right choice amid the many options that are out there. As such, you should look around for specialist nursing homes that can tailor their care toward your loved one’s health and condition, especially if they have dementia or Alzheimer’s. You should also make sure that they provide stimulating activities for your loved one and even days out, and that their team members are friendly, patient, and knowledgeable about medicine and healthcare. For instance, at bailyhouse.co.uk, their modern en-suite rooms can give your loved one the space and facilities that they need to live out their final years in peace and good health, without any of the hazards that their own home might present them with. You should also check the location of this nursing home to ensure that you can easily travel to it, or that it is near important places, such as a hospital. 

How Can You Cope? 

It can be difficult to handle your emotions when your loved one moves into a nursing home, especially because they may be selling the family home or because this is a reminder that they are getting older and more infirm. As such, to cope, you should try and visit them when you can, focus on the needs of the younger generation of your family, and remember the good reasons why you explored the option of a nursing home. You should also check in with the nursing home often so that you can track their health and speak to a therapist if your emotions are starting to overwhelm you. You should also look for support from the rest of your family. This will help you to remember that you made the right decision, even if your loved one struggles with the move at first.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24