Thursday, February 23, 2023

Reading Important Traffic Laws: 8 Road Rules To Help Prevent Accidents


Traffic laws are very important. They must be followed to ensure the safety of pedestrians, passengers, and operators of a vehicle. When you don't obey traffic laws, the tendency to be involved in an accident is high. 


Accidents can happen for any reason. But, the common factor that causes a majority of accidents is non-adherence to road rules and traffic laws. 


So read on to find out several road rules that when followed would prevent accidents. 


1. Always signal before changing lanes or turning

When you don't signal before you change lanes or turn, it can be identified as a non-criminal traffic infraction. Apart from being illegal, failure to signal poses a risk to the drivers around you, pedestrians, and yourself. 


So, you must indicate your intention to pedestrians and motorists around you. This can help in avoiding any surprise maneuvers that could lead to an accident. 


For instance, if you got involved in a car accident and have issues navigating the claim process, then you should seek a car crash attorney. They would ensure that the claim process is stress-free. 


2. Observe your surrounding when you reverse

Many US automobiles have backup cameras installed. But, you must always observe your surroundings when you place your vehicle in reverse. Some of these cameras only show what is directly behind you. 


They don't show what's on your left and right side and also the blind spot. So, you must look behind and around to be sure that there is nothing behind you while reversing your vehicle. 


3. Halt behind school buses that have red flashing lights

When in the neighborhoods, school buses will stop to let students get off and head home. When any of these buses come to a stop with its flashing red lights, you should not overtake or pass them. 


Children will be coming off the bus and crossing the streets. So, running by the school bus might put any of the students in danger. So, remember this road rule when you drive. 


Note that this traffic law varies by state. So you can check the driving rules of your state. In some states, you can pass stopped school buses in certain situations. 


4. Give in to pedestrians

According to traffic laws, pedestrians have the right of way. So, every driver has to give in to them. Therefore, when you see a pedestrian, ensure that they are not about to cross the street. If they intend to do so, then come to a stop and allow them to pass. Afterward, you can proceed to your destination. 


5. Always keep a safe following distance

One good driving practice is to always keep some distance between you and the other car in front of you. But, the amount of space that is considered safe is quite ambiguously defined. The general rule is that you should keep around 3 seconds worth of space between you and the other car. 


When you are driving at a speed of 40 miles per hour, this can mean a distance of about 600 feet. When you keep a moderate distance between you and the car in front, you can easily react in case of a sudden movement on the highway.


6. Always give way to emergency vehicles with running sirens and flashing lights

Similar to school buses, you must take action when you come across active emergency vehicles with running sirens and flashing lights. In most DMV tests, you must pull over your vehicle when you see an emergency vehicle coming in your direction. 


These vehicles include police, ambulances, and other special law enforcement vehicles. Failure to do so might result in potential incarceration for repeat offenders and hefty fines.


7. Don't be distracted

Many accidents that happen in the US are due to distractions. Activities that would remove your focus from driving are considered distractions. It could be sending text messages, talking on your phone, or eating a meal.


So, before you start driving your car, ensure that you remove any potential distraction from reach. This ensures the safety of fellow motorists, passengers, and yourself.


8. Always Drive on the right lane

In nearly all American highways and roadways, the right lanes are meant for slow-moving traffic. The left lane is designed for fast passing or driving. 


When you drive on the left lane, it could lead to congestion for motorists. So, to be on the safe side, try to drive on the left lane when passing. 


Final Words 

Every person must understand that road and car accidents are public health issues. When you follow road and traffic rules, you can prevent injuries and accidents and help save lives. So, ensure you are informed of the road rules mentioned above to prevent accidents.


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