Monday, December 12, 2022

What I Would Tell You Epic Book Launch


About the Book

Book: What I Would Tell You

Author: Liz Tolsma

Genre: Christian Fiction / Romance / Historical Fiction

Release date: January 1, 2023

DNA Test Unlocks a Family Mystery

Sephardic Jew Mathilda Nissim watches in horror as the Germans invade her beloved city of Salonika, Greece. What angers her most is the lack of resistance her people put up to their captors. In secret and at great risk to her life, she continues to publish her newspaper, calling her people to action. She doesn’t trust God to help them. When she and her husband find out they are expecting a child, Mathilda may have to resort to desperate measures to ensure her daughter’s survival.

Three generations later, college student Riley Payson and her cousin take a popular DNA test only to discover they don’t share any common ancestors. In fact, the test shows Riley is a Sephardic Jew from Greece. This revelation shakes Riley’s tenuous faith and sends her on a journey to discover what happened to her great-grandmother and how all this relates to her faith and her life today.



“I can build a false back, and we can store everything in that space. Good that you only have a small press and not many supplies.”

“Behind a false back which is behind all of our clothes? That won’t be convenient. No easy access to what I need.”

“That’s what makes it so perfect. If the Germans come to search here, it will be a great deal of work for them to find this, so it will be well hidden from their eyes.”

“Of course. That makes sense.”

“Take these clothes out of here so I can measure. Tomorrow I’ll bring home the wood we need to build it. Maybe we can even have a hidden hinge to make it easier for you to open.”

“For tonight, we’ll hide it under the bed.” Asher dropped to his knees on the wood floor and lifted the spread. “I doubt the Germans will make it here in such a short amount of time, but I want to be safe. This is not a good hiding place, but it will have to do until tomorrow.”

With great care, she moved her small printing press, all the ink she had, and her stack of blank newsprint under the bed. Even a pair of stained gloves. It wouldn’t do for her to wander the city with black fingers.

Asher reached for the stack of articles and newspapers she had produced. And her diary.

“No.” She grabbed him by the arm to stop him. “They have to be separate. If the Nazis discover the press, then so be it. But my journal, I want that somewhere else. Perhaps if the Germans discover what I have been up to, they will be satisfied with the tools of my trade.”



Links to All Excerpts:



 Liz Tolsma is the author of several WWII novels, romantic suspense novels, prairie romance novellas, and an Amish romance. She is a popular speaker and an editor and resides next to a Wisconsin farm field with her husband and their youngest daughter. Her son is a US Marine, and her oldest daughter is a college student. Liz enjoys reading, walking, working in her large perennial garden, kayaking, and camping. Please visit her website at and follow her on Facebook, Twitter (@LizTolsma), Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. She is also the host of the Christian Historical Fiction Talk podcast.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24