Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Preparing for Your New Babys New Arrival

 If your pregnancy is nearly over, the countdown is on until your new baby arrives. While you may believe you have everything ticked off the list, you can never be fully prepared for the brand-new person you’re soon to be fully responsible for – but that’s all part of the exhilarating role of parenthood.

While nothing can truly prepare you for the experience of becoming a parent, there are multiple aspects you can do in the months beforehand to ensure that you have everything set for your baby’s arrival. 

Here are some top tips to help you prepare for this life-changing occasion:

1. Decorate the nursery


When your new baby arrives, you simply won’t have time to adapt the spare room into a nursery. With this in mind, itwould be a good idea to start decorating during pregnancy. If you don’t want to know your baby’s gender before birth, you may want to opt for neutral tones. If you are in need of some inspiration, here are the best colors to include in your baby’s nursery. You’ll need to ensure they have a space to sleep, as well as an area to store their clothes. If you have extra room, you could also consider adding a nursing chair and additionalstorage units for their diapers, toys, and other essentials.

2. Planning for the birth


You may already have in mind whether you’re going to give birth at the hospital or home, but it’s best to be prepared for all eventualities. If you’re planning a hospital birth, ensure you practice the journey at all times of the day so that you’re aware of traffic conditions and any other obstacles so that you can make other arrangements if necessary. 

As long as you’re progressing well and there are no obvious health conditions for you and your baby, you’ll have the option of having a home birth. You’ll need to have a range of equipment to ensure your home birth is safe and efficient

3. Get tips from other parents


Some new parents wish to find out how to parent themselves, while others take reassurance in getting advice from family and close friends who are parents so they know what to expect. Take the opportunity to ask as many questions as you need to before your baby arrives so you don’t get faced with multiple surprises. 

4. Pet-proof your house


Do you have pets? If so, it may be worth considering how you’re going to keep your baby safe. Some pets may get jealous that you’re giving your attention to another being, which may stimulate hostility. Although you may have full trust in your cat or dog, you can never predict what may happen when a new baby comes into the home. A stair gate would be a good idea to separate your pets from your baby in the first few months. 

5. Get batch cooking


You’ll have very little time to cook once your newbornarrives. Therefore, it may be an idea to start batch cooking in the days before your due date so that you have meals ready when you need to eat. You can check out these quick and easy recipes here.


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