Thursday, November 3, 2022

Keep winter flu at bay with these nursing tips for kids



As fall progresses into winter this year, parents globally gear up to ward off illnesses from their homes. However, it is inevitable that children fall mildly sick, as it is part of their immunity-building process. If helping them to recover quickly and avoid the onset of severe disease in this season is what you’re looking for, this blog is for you! Here are 7 things to do when your child falls sick or begins to show a few symptoms.


1) Keep them warm: There are several diseases that run wide and far among children when winter arrives. This is caused due to a sudden change in the weather, compromising the immunity of your child. Since kids are more sensitive than us, they are also more susceptible to weather changes affecting their health. To make sure they don’t fall ill due to the cold drift as soon as November starts, make sure they are warm from the inside. Layer their clothing so that they can remove a couple of them or add as per the confusing weather conditions in the starting phases of fall through winter. Most of all, keep their ears covered to avoid earaches and fevers!
2) Watch our for community spread: School and daycare facilities are the biggest super-spreaders for diseases in children. This majorly includes flu and viral infections but also can cover a large spectrum of bacterial infections. If you suspect that your child has caught a few symptoms and is not well, pull them out of school immediately until they’re cleared. Alternatively, you also have to ensure that your children’s school and daycare keep you informed in case a sick child was in contact with your own. With the recent pandemic, following the same protocol will be effective in keeping them away from community transmission.
3) Consult the physician as soon as possible: Usually many parents feel like their child feeling a little under the weather may heal quickly with some rest. However, taking them to the hospital and getting them checked by a pediatrician can help you rule out the possibility of any critical diseases under the surface. Getting medical attention as soon as possible will also help the doctors find out if these symptoms are being widely reported among other kids, which boils down to community transmission. Once you’re in the know, you’ll know better what steps to execute, be it medication, or observing home isolation for the safety of other vulnerable children.
4) Know about your child’s legal rights for medication: There are several debates and lawsuits ongoing for years regarding the rights of children as medical patients. Many times, they can become the unfortunate victims of side effects that were unforeseen until years later. One such instance is the cases of autism in children whose mothers consumed the medication during their pregnancy. If your child or a loved one’s babies may have experienced the same condition due to a drug like Tylenol, getting in touch with a law firm representing the Tylenol autism lawsuit is your best bet at receiving justice. This will not only help you receive government support but also compensation for the damages your family has suffered.
5) Make sure they complete the dose: Children usually respond quickly to medication and start feeling better within 2-3 doses. However, some of them may be fussy about taking their medication on time, be it in pill form or liquid. Making sure that they don’t miss a dose or create a big gap between two doses will help them recover quickly. If your child has missed a dose, make sure to give them the medication as soon as possible. Complete the course even though you feel like your child has completely recovered to ensure they don’t build resistance to the medicine.
6) Add more nutrition to their diet: What you feed your child makes a huge impact on their health and immunity. During winter, fill their meals with deliciously cooked food, but add your twist to healthy ingredients. Leafy greens, protein, fiber, and lots of veggies can help them receive all their nutrition to remain healthy. Vitamin C is also essential to keep their immunity up, so check with your doctor if you need to give them chewable tablets. 
7) Keep track of their vitals during the winter: Parents have a keen awareness when it comes to the health of their kids. However, some symptoms may seem very covert and creep up on us from nowhere. It is essential to keep track of their daily moods, vitals, stools, and urine color to ensure their health is normal.


Wrapping Up:

These tips will ensure that you not only know how your child is faring throughout winter this year but keep you informed if they start to show symptoms of illness. Staying informed is half of the game, and the rest is based on your parenting style. We hope you have a stress-free holiday season with your children.


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