Monday, November 28, 2022

Ensuring Your Foster Child’s First Christmas in Glasgow with You Is Fabulous

 As the days and weeks seemingly fly by at this time of year, Christmas day only gets nearer. This means the pressure is on to get organised and prepared to ensure it’s a wonderful Christmas season for all. So, what if this year your family dynamic has changed, and you now have a foster child living with you? This will be their first Christmas spent with you so you must make it special for them and create a positive memory. We’ve got some great tips you can use to ensure Christmas is fabulous for all, especially your foster child.

Christmas Can Bring Up a Lot of Emotions

The first thing to be mindful of is what emotions Christmas may bring up in your foster child. Sure, there can be some wonderful ones, but the festive season can also spark sadness. This may be the first year they aren’t with their birth family, or perhaps there are mixed emotions around the day and the memories they have had. Show compassion and tread lightly, as you don’t know what they are going through.

If they are planning to see their birth family during the holidays, this can also spark some deep emotions they may struggle with. The best plan is to be there for your foster child, let them know you are there to support them and that you will listen to them if they want to talk. 

Some foster agencies arrange local support groups as well as support from their team should you run into issues and need some advice. Fostering in Glasgow through the FCA means you have support available 24/7. You never have to feel alone in your journey and neither should your foster child.

Ask If They Have Any Traditions They Want to Include

While you probably have many holiday traditions you engage in, this is also a great time to ask your foster child if there areany they have that they'd like to do. Perhaps they have traditional activities or events that help make it feel more festive. 

Talk to Them About What Your Christmas Plan Looks Like

Because they have never spent Christmas with you, they don’t know what to expect and this alone can cause anxiety, stress and fear. You can nip that in the bud and put their mind at ease by talking to them about your Christmas plan. Let them know what you do, what to expect and how they will be included. If you tend to pack your schedule full at Christmas, this may be a good year to ease back and not overwhelm your foster child. 

Christmas Themed Activities at Home are Great

Finally, it's a good idea to embrace family activities that are kept to just your household so they feel that sense of family— things like Christmas cookie baking, building a gingerbread house, decorating the tree and the house, Elf on a Shelf, watching Christmas movies, and so forth.

While you’re bound to encounter some speed bumps, through conversation, compassion and Christmas themed activities, it’s bound to be a magical time for all.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24