Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Deadly Conclusion: Author Guest Post + Enter To Win


Deadly Conclusion JustRead Blog + Review Tour 

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for Deadly Conclusion by Kathy Harris, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!


Deadly Conclusion Title: Deadly Conclusion 
Series: Deadly Secrets #3 
Author: Kathy Harris 
Publisher: Iron Stream Fiction 
Release Date: November 2, 2022 
Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense

A Fast-Paced Suspense Book You Can’t Put Down

In the thrilling conclusion of the “Deadly Secrets” series, search and rescue dog trainer Keely Lambert breaks in Titan, a new shepherd, during a rescue mission to find little Conner Wells. Aided by childhood friend, Beau Gardner of the TBI, who is also Conner’s uncle, Keely finds the boy deep inside Metropolitan Nashville’s Beaman Park. 

But Conner is not all that Keely finds. On the way back to the welcome center, she notices something sticking out of the dirt—the military dog tags of her father who disappeared more than two decades before. 

The discovery sets Keely on a hunt to unearth her father’s killer, only to be thwarted by multiple setbacks—the murder of Beau’s father, the kidnapping of her mother, and her kennel being set on fire in the middle of the night. After Keely is kidnapped, Beau leads a manhunt to find her before the outcome reaches a "deadly conclusion."

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookDepository | IndieBound | Christianbook


Kathy Harris

Kathy Harris is an author by way of a "divine detour" into the Nashville entertainment business where she works as a marketing director. For several years she freelanced entertainer biographies and wrote news stories and columns for various music publications.

Connect with Kathy by visiting kathyharrisbooks.com to follow her on social media or subscribe to email newsletter updates.


From Country Music to Christian Suspense: The Journey of a Writer

by Kathy Harris


Since 2010, I have blogged regularly about “divine detours.” I’ve interviewed hundreds of Christian writers, songwriters, musicians, and other creatives, and almost all of them has shared about his or her unexpected detour in life.

My life has been the same.

One of my earliest memories is of wanting to be a writer. I was probably seven years old when I made an entry in my diary about wanting to write books. That longing stayed with me through elementary and high school, and I eventually majored in Communications in college. The school I attended didn’t offer a creative writing curriculum, so I followed a journalism, advertising, and English path, electing marketing and philosophy classes and working part time at the school library—anything to be close to language, the art of expression, and critical thinking.

After college graduation, I taught two extension courses at a minimum-security penitentiary. One course in English Literature. The other in Poetry. Both interpretative studies. Both providing an opportunity to grow my communication skills and, more importantly, to offer a unique and positive perspective to my students.

Music is also part of the creative world, and music has almost always been a part of my life. My parents sang on long car rides. My grandmother played piano and organ for her church. My paternal uncles and grandfather played guitar, mandolin, and banjo in the family living room.

Following suit, I sang in the church choir and in a gospel trio and quartet through most of my high school and college years. I became friends with others in that industry. And it was one of those connections that led to a job offer in Nashville.

Less than a year after college graduation, I moved to Nashville to work with The Oak Ridge Boys. I began my tenure as secretary receptionist and worked my way to marketing director and a member of the Operations Management Team. Over the course of four decades, I have often described it as a fairytale career, watching their career take off. The work has been hard. For them, and for all of us on the team. But hard work is always a part of achievement.

And it has also been rewarding. Watching them excel. Watching them inspire and entertain. And experiencing firsthand the idea that ‘you’ll never work a day in your life if you have a job you love.’

But I was also called to write. My music marketing career has been a God-given detour from my earthly perspective. Although I’m also sure it was a part of God’s perfect plan. For I know the plans I have for you... Jeremiah 29:11.

About twenty years ago, I started writing the stories I have always wanted to write. It wasn’t until 2012 that the first was published. Ten years later, in 2022, I have just completed my first three-book, Christian romantic suspense series.

Christian romantic suspense…? That was a detour too.

But that’s another story, for another time.

Be blessed, my friends! Enjoy your God-given detours and know that the Lord has perfect plans for you.


(1) winner will receive a $35 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of Deadly Conclusion.

Deadly Conclusion JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight November 1, 2022 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on November 8, 2022. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours


  1. Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading this book and series

  2. I enjoyed reading the guest post and Deadly Conclusion sounds like my kind of book!

    Thanks for sharing it with me and have a terrific day!

  3. Thank You for the review.

  4. Randi, Thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to reading this series.

  5. Thanks for sharing more about the author, the book sounds good


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24