Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Newton Chronicles: Soldiers, Crystals, and Temples Epic Book Launch


About the Book

Book: The Newton Chronicles: Soldiers, Crystals, and Temples

Author: Terry Overton

Genre: Middle Grade Christian Fiction

Release date: November 22, 2022

Luke Alexander’s father is “missing, presumed dead.” But Luke is confident that his father has set off on an adventure and needs his help. Searching through his father’s office, Luke – along with his friends Nathan, a pastor’s kid, and Lydia, a world traveler who knows several languages – discovers some confusing notes about Isaac Newton and finds a strange watch that once belonged to his grandfather. Knowing his archeologist father was on the hunt for Solomon’s temple, Luke and his friends decide to start a search of their own. Little do they know that their search will take them on the wildest adventures of their lives and make the stories of Solomon’s temple and other biblical events seem more real than they ever thought possible. But will their adventures lead them to Luke’s father, or will they only wind up with more questions than answers? Soldiers, Crystals, and Temples is an excellent book for anyone who loves a good adventure and who wants to find the truth that is found only in God’s Word. This first book in The Newton Chronicles will make history and the Bible come alive for readers both young and old.


Just in time, the old lady who sits in front of us grabs my mother’s arm and says, “Mrs. Alexander, my, your Luke is growing into a fine young man.” She smiles through her glasses and adjusts her blue-gray hair and hat.

My mom smiles and nods her head. Maybe I got away with playing Fortnite.

“Luke, you weren’t on your phone, were you?” my mom asks with a scornful tone.

Busted, I think.

“Nathan,” I call out as I walk to the next row, ignoring Mom’s question.

“Hey, man,” Nathan says.

“Luke, don’t forget about lunch with the Orgels,” says Mom, reminding me of something I was hoping wouldn’t happen. Lunch with the Orgels on Sunday is our new routine.

“Okay.” I’m relieved that Mom has forgotten about my phone.

“Bet you are looking forward to that,” Nathan says rolling his large, green eyes.

“Oh, Mrs. Orgel is a good cook, so it’s not so bad,” I reply.

“I wasn’t talking about the food,” Nathan teases. “Aw, she’s not so bad,” I argue, knowing that

Nathan is referring to Lydia.

“Not bad? What are you talking about? Lydia is . . . well, she’s, she’s . . .









Terry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed. D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. She began her second “career” after retirement and now writes Christian fiction books and devotionals and hopes to share the Christian worldview through her writing. Her novels, middle grade readers, and picture books seek to entertain readers through the travel experiences and characters included in her books. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas, near the Texas-Mexico border. She enjoys Biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, and enjoying family and friends. She has seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24