**Product received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.
Summer is ending, and fall weather arriving. With that many of us are already thinking ahead to the holidays and wondering what toys to add to our children's holiday lists. Or perhaps we're simply on a search for great toys that can keep kids playing outside and being more active even as the the weather cools. Or fun learning toys that are as fun as they are educational.

Whatever the case may be, today I am excited to share with you four great new toys that can do all of the above.

First up, the Groovy Glow Wubble and Tiny Groovy Glow Wubble.
Not only fun to say, Wubble is just as fun to play too. The wubble is kind of like a mix between a bubble and ball. It floats around and has the same type of movement that we see from a bubble... but when it bumps something, it doesn't pop, just bounces right off. Like a bubble that just keeps going. It's soft and moldable, so it doesn't hurt if it bumps anyone like a ball might either. The Groovy Glow Wubble features a super fun tie dye design, and as the name suggests, it glows in the dark, which makes it super fun to play at night too!
Wubbles are technically for indoor or outdoor use, but I would say that it definitely going to be dependent on your space as well as which type you go with. We received both the Groovy Glow Wubble (full size) and Tiny Groovy Glow Wubbles. The Tiny were definitely okay indoors for use, but having a rather small house, I would say the full size was a no go for us--- they are quite large. My kids definitely do prefer the larger version but I love that it is versatile and has various options to fit just what you're looking for! I also loved that it didn't require any special pump to blow up--- if you already have a pump, it should work just fine... or can be done by mouth as well.
This is a toy that both of my kids--- ages 9 and 15--- can find enjoyment from... and honestly, that's pretty rare to find!
You can check them out here:
Groovy Glow Wubble
Tiny Groovy Glow Wubble

Next up, the Smithsonian Prehistorian Sea Monster Kit.
My daughter loves science so this one is definitely right up her alley... but what really makes this one cool is that it's science, yes... but it's also a pet. This really could be a fun little project for the kid who is always asking for a pet, but maybe isn't quite ready to keep your typical pet alive, or cannot have pets for any various reason. And honestly, the idea of hatching your own pet? Sounds pretty cool to me!
As dinosaur fans, we really enjoyed the background of the tank... although logistically a lid might have made this one even better! Still, instructions are easy enough to follow making this a really fun learning activity!!
This one is suggested for ages 7+, though younger kids might enjoy with plenty of adult supervision as well.
You can check it out here:
Smithsonian Prehistorian Sea Monster Kit

Finally, the All-Pro Passer.
I am not athletic. Not even a little bit. So, if my kids wanted to toss around a football... well, they'd be out of luck in that department, I suppose. This is what makes the All-Pro Passer such a fun and unique toy! This is a robotic quarterback that tosses the football--- so kids can enjoy playing even without anyone athletic to play with them. I've certainly seen this type of thing for baseball, but never football. It claims to be the most accurate quarterback on earth with 9 different passing zones to help you practice hundreds of different plays. Now, I'll be honest--- not knowing the first thing about football, I cannot say if any of that is accurate or not. I can say, it is entertaining nonetheless... it's perfect for football fans, of course... but even those who are not typically all that into football might find themselves entertained but it as well... what a fun way to get up and move!
The All-Pro Passer is recommended for ages 14+. I do think kids younger than this age could get enjoyment out of it as well.
You can check it out here:
All-Pro Passer
In recent years, I have found that I am becoming much more particular about the toys I buy for my children. There are just so many, and I want toys that are unique. I want toys that will inspire their imaginations and teach them something new. I want toys that will get their bodies up and moving. This variety of toys fit those categories nicely, and are truly must sees.
Which of these toys would the little one in your life enjoy the most?
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