Monday, August 8, 2022

Women Fertility: Things You Didn't Know Affects Them

Fertility in women helps to determine if they can conceive or not. However, there are many things that you can consider doing to increase your fertility rate. It's important as a woman to know and understand things that affect your fertility and what you can do to maximize your chances. Some factors are unavoidable and hard to control, while some are controllable. Learning about the factors that affect fertility and creating realistic expectations to avoid frustration is vital. This article will explore things you dint know about women's fertility and how they affect them.

Anatomical or Gynecological Issues

Infertility can result from various reasons, such as disorders, diseases, or damage to the reproductive system. Some people experience pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of the upper reproductive system. This can block the fallopian tube, preventing ovulation. Others experience endometriosis, a disorder that makes the uterus tissue grow on other body parts, causing swelling and blockage. These disorders can the managed by conducting surgery to remove the blockage, which will help restore the woman's ability to conceive. 


You can often experience changes in your body due to genes, especially from your family line. Most girls will experience menopause even before age 40 if their grandmother, sister, or mother has experienced it. Before blaming, you must consider nationwide blood testing service to the composition of your hormones and how they affect you. Research on the link between gene markers and hormone levels suggests that genetics can fix reproduction. It will help if you take time to ask around your family to understand the fertility   

issue and try to manage the situation proactively. If one of your relatives had an issue with their fertility, there is a high chance you will have it. You can also consider planning an appointment with your doctor to educate yourself about infertility and check some options, such as freezing your egg.


Hormones are crucial to ensure the body parts work efficiently. When a change happens in your hormone, it can trigger critical changes in the body. Many hormones are responsible for conception and ovulation. They include gonadotropin, luteinizing hormone (LH), and prostrate and luteinizing hormone. All these hormones are required only for a specified period and with the right quality to ensure the process goes smoothly. Prostrogen is responsible for ovulation and embryo implantation. in case the hormone is not adequate, you will likely experience infertility. You should also note that other hormones can also affect your fertility. If the hormones are too high, you might end up experiencing infertility. When male hormones such as testosterone are high in women, it can prevent the woman's body from ovulating. It's usually important to visit a gynecologist who might recommend some medication to help balance your hormones to help them function normally. This can help increase your chances of fertility.

Eat Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is very crucial to ensure your body gets the required nutrients which help your body to grow and repair broken tissue. Most women fail to eat the required amount of nutrients, affecting their hormones and fertility. Ensure your meals consist of natural foods that contain fiber. It's important to ensure you consume the right amount of vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, calcium, and iron for your body to be strong. Food is not just food; most people only eat whatever is available. If your meal lacks nutrients, you can consider using prenatal vitamins to help fill in the gaps in your diet. When preparing to conceive, ensure you are on the right diet. However, it's vital to consult a doctor to know what vitamins are good for you.


Women are born with eggs, but they determine when they will be ready for fertilization. Most women's fertility begins to decline at the age of 35. However, at the age of 40, their chances of getting pregnant decrease are often less than 5%. By the period they are in their 50s, menopause kicks in. If you are planning to get pregnant late before age 50, you can choose to freeze your egg to prevent aging and menopause. After freezing, the eggs are still retained in your body; hence you will not experience any difficulties when planning to conceive.


It's important to note that the medical history is important to avoid more damage to the reproductive system and can jeopardize your fertility. You must consult your doctor properly to ensure the medication recommended is safe and will not lead to your infertility. Always eat a balanced diet and exercise well to ensure your hormones are strong.


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