Monday, August 1, 2022

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: Watch It on Pure Flix Today {+ Win a 3-Month Subscription!} #StrongFathersMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

 Disclosure: Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. - Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

This week, my oldest started his first week of high school and will turn 15 years old. In many ways, it feels so much like it was just yesterday that we welcomed him into our lives, and walked him into school that first day. How is it possible for him to be in high school already? When they tell you as a new parent just how quickly the time passes, you cannot truly begin to imagine just how true that is. Today though, I'm certainly feeling all too deeply the truth in those words.

With a big transition like this, it can be very hard as a parent to let go... or at least it certainly if for me anyway! I think that this is a reality that is beautifully illustrated in the new movie STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS.

About the Movie:
Steve loves all three of his daughters – but does he really know who they are? Discover the heartfelt journey of a dad who is desperately trying to hold onto his little girls but learns he must give up control and trust God with their future. Watch the movie inspired by Dr. Meg Meeker’s best-selling book, “Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters.”

(Featuring real-life married couples Bart Johnson & Robin Lively and Maria Canals Barrera & David Barrera)

“This movie isn't just a heart-warming story. It is a cry from every daughter's heart to her father, to give her the power only he can give to help her become an extraordinary woman.” –Dr. Meg Meeker

Watching this on the same morning that I sent my son off to high school, I must admit I was already pretty emotional... and this movie certainly didn't help! I mean that in the best way possible, of course! As parents, I think this is a movie we can all relate to on some level or another. Even if our kids aren't old enough to leave the nest, they are constantly going through a new phase and all too often more quickly than we as parents would like. That can be pretty scary for parents, especially in today's world as confusing as it can be. But this movie was such a good example of trusting God with our children and knowing that He has great plans for them... and boy, was that a reminder I needed today! 

While I was certainly moved and entertained by the movie, I definitely think those with older daughters will be touched by it even more! It has so much heart, but is mixed in with a good balance of laughs too. I was not personally familiar with the book that inspired this movie, but this certainly had me intrigued to learn more about it. Oftentimes with Christian movies, they can seem a little too preachy or unrealistic, but this is one that I felt was done really well. It didn't sugarcoat that parenting was easy or suggest that we would get it right every time.

While there is no language or anything of that sort, the movie does tend to lean towards an older teenager and parent audience based on the theme of the movie alone. There is one scene that depicts a teenager going to a party and drinking, but it is certainly not glorified in any way.

STRONG FATHERS, STRONG DAUGHTERS is available exclusively on Pure Flix starting today, August 1st!

Learn more and start your Pure Flix subscription here:

Bonus: Check out this interview with Dr. Meg Meeker:

And one very lucky winner is going to win a 3-month subscription to Pure Flix for themselves. Enter at the giveaway form below. US Only. 

Pure Flix 3 Month Subscription (Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters)


  1. This looks like it will be a good movie. I am interested in watching it.

  2. Looks likema good movie. I have always wanted to try out the Flux subscription. Thank you


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24