Thursday, April 28, 2022

How to Keep Your Family Safe Online


If you have a family, one of your main priorities in this modern world will be keeping them safe online. This is especially important for children whose worldview and understanding will not be as developed as that of their parents. No matter if you are a tech-savvy or tech-phobic parent, you can develop and instill a safe way for you and your children to explore the online world by following these simple tips.


Ensure you have up to date computer equipment and software


An old computer that has not been kept up to date with system upgrades or is past its potentially useful life is a potentially dangerous piece of tech. It will be less likely to have suitable antivirus or antimalware software to protect the user from cyber-attacks which could become very costly not just in terms of financial costs but also for the theft of personal data. A modern computer that is suitable for family use and can handle internet surfing, office tasks, and gaming can be found in the range of Lenovo Budget Gaming Laptops. Such modern computers will benefit from improved security features and will cope with all the family's computing requirements while also being a cost-effective option.


Use parental control software


All parents will want to control the age-based content that can be viewed by their children to ensure that they are not viewing inappropriate material. Thankfully, there are a variety of apps and programs that can help parents do this by blocking access to adult sites. Parental control software is also a perfect option to limit the amount of time that children can use their devices. While a small amount of computer uses is beneficial for children in terms of learning about the world and computers in general, excessive use can be detrimental to their wellbeing. With parental control software, you can set times when computers and tech devices are available for use and when they cannot be accessed. You can find out more about various types of parental control products here.

Secure your home Wi-Fi network


Having a secure Wi-Fi network for your home is of paramount importance in today's world. If your Wi-Fi is not secure enough, it can be easy for intruders to use your home network to get free Wi-Fi. Moreover, if your network is compromised, you risk receiving malware attacks from hackers. One key step to having a secure Wi-Fi network is to have a strong password for your Wi-Fi router. This password must not be easily guessed and should be a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols for added security. As well as your main router, you should ensure that all internet account passwords are suitably complex and that the same password is not shared across different accounts. Educate your children on the importance of having strong passwords for all their applications to ensure that this is a habit they take with them into adulthood.

In conclusion


Here are just three of the ways you can keep your family safe and secure in the modern online world. While technology is without a doubt of benefit to modern life, it is not without its risks. Family safety should go hand in hand with technology and its usage.





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