Wednesday, March 30, 2022

How Can Your Teen Prepare for the Workforce After High School?


One of the most important jobs a parent has is to prepare their kids for adulthood, which includes preparing kids for the workforce. You may be thinking that your teen is only 16 and they have some time to get ready to join the workforce. Graduation is right around the corner. However, preparing your kids for the workforce after high school early on is one of the best ways to ensure they are fully prepared.

College Is Not For All Kids

Here is an eye-opening statement: college is not right for everyone. Some kids have no interest in academia beyond high school, and some kids want to take a gap year or two to explore their options. If your kid does not want to go on to college, then they need to be thinking about how they will enter the workforce after high school, and you can help get them ready.

Teens need to be prepared to enter the workforce not only for their benefit but for the benefit of the larger community. The financial burdens on today's teens is tremendous. A study done in 2011 found that teens would assume a $1.6 trillion tax burden over their lifetime in order to keep the United States afloat.

Whether your teen plans on college or not, it is imperative that they are ready to enter the workforce someday. There are things you can do to help.

Teach Them How to Write a Resume

One of the keys to getting a good job is making sure your resume drums up interest. Teaching kids how to write an effective resume is a good way to prepare them for the job market. There are online tools that can help to create an attention-getting resume. Linkedin, the social media channel that is used by career and business professionals, has the tools that can help create a resume. Linkedin has about 500 million global members. It would be a good place for kids that are looking to network and learn more about different career paths as well as a great place to create a resume.

Encourage Volunteer Work

When kids show interest in a specific field, it is a good idea to encourage them to volunteer in that field to help them gather more information. For example, if your teen talks about working with animals, encourage them to volunteer at the local animal shelter. There are always volunteer opportunities across a wide range of industries.

Encourage Summer Jobs

Preparing kids for the workforce can be as simple as getting them into the workforce. Working during the summers is a great way to get teens used to the idea of what work requires. Working teaches them responsibility and puts a little extra money in their pockets. Help your teen search for a job that fits their schedule. The first instinct that your teen will have about looking for a job is to turn to online job posting websites, but it is estimated that about 80% of jobs are never posted online. Encourage them to go to different retail outlets, fast food restaurants, and other potential employers in person and fill out applications.

Explore Career Options With Them

When a kid says that they want to be a doctor, lawyer, chef, a firefighter, or any other title, they likely have no idea what those professions entail or where to start on the path to the career. As a parent, you can help your teen decide if they are willing to put in the work to get where they want to be.

For example, a doctor has about eight years of additional post-high school education and about two years of residency before they can practice on their own. A lawyer takes about six years of post-high school education. Testing and competitive obstacles have to be overcome in most career paths. Helping your child to explore different options with a clear lens is a good way to prepare them for the workforce after high school.

Getting involved and offering advice and direction is the best way to prepare your teen to become a responsible adult that contributes to society.


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