Thursday, February 17, 2022

Why combatting stress will improve your complexion


Unless you’re extremely lucky and have naturally perfect skin, you’ve probably read plenty of articles about how to improve your complexion. Many of these focus on the type of products you should use or the types of foods you should eat (and avoid); however, it’s equally important to think about the impact that stress has on your skin. Here’s why it could be the missing piece of your skincare puzzle.


The link between stress and skin health

We all know that stress is damaging to both our mental and physical health, but you might not be aware that it also manifests in our skin. The hormonal changes that stress causes can have a negative impact on our complexions, increasing the risk of issues such as acne, dry skin, bags under our eyes, eczema, wrinkles, and rashes. Not only that, but it can also make it more difficult to get rid of those conditions once you have them – and often makes your existing skin problems worse. As such, combatting stress can be an effective strategy to not only improve your wellbeing but also the condition of your skin.


That’s not to say that eliminating stress will solve all your skincare problems. It’s still important to have a good skincare regime, eat healthily, and wear sunscreen every day. Similarly, if you have larger issues, such as sagging skin drooping around your eyes and obstructing your vision, Atlanta eyelid surgery may well be your best option for solving those.


Ways to destress

So now that we know why your skin will benefit from some rest and relaxation, let’s look at some concrete suggestions for how you can reduce stress. Remember that not all these tactics will work for everyone, so try out as many as appeal to you and see which you find most effective:

  Meditation – even just five minutes a day can help to calm your mind

  Breathing exercises – these are quick and easy, making them ideal for dealing with immediate stressors

  Long walks in nature – this has been shown to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol

  Adult coloring books – these can be an effective way to reduce feelings of anxiety

  Spending time on your favorite hobby – whether it’s reading, drawing, music, or movies

  Yoga – the combination of light physical activity and focus on breathing can be very beneficial

  Exercise – this is a classic way to relieve stress, with the added bonus of boosting your physical health

  Setting a clear boundary between your work and personal life – this will help to reduce the risk of burnout

  Counseling – talking to a professional can work wonders if you’re experiencing a lot of stress

  Journaling – this can be a helpful way to work through negative feelings you might be having

  Keeping a gratitude diary – writing down three unique things that you’re grateful for every single day (and why) can shift your attention to the positive aspects of life

  Practicing positive self-talk – if your inner voice tends to be negative, try to make it more positive by talking to yourself as you would to your best friend

  Making time for self-care – spa days, long hot baths, spending time with friends and family… whatever makes you feel happy and content.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24