Friday, January 7, 2022

Revived and Renovated: Book Review

**Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.  

Revived & Renovated is a conversation on well-loved topics between two great friends.

Victoria and Paige delight in all the dovetails found among the parallels of the work we do in our homes and our souls. Covering topics of home renovation with corresponding Biblical wisdom and perspectives from their personal walks with God, Revived and Renovated will be an encouragement to young and old alike.

A multi-passionate creative fueled mostly by coffee, Victoria Duerstock relentlessly pursues her dreams. She's a best-selling, award winning author who enjoys writing, speaking, music and teaching other authors how to grow their online presence.Victoria's mission is to create beauty and cultivate community by leveraging resources, impacting others and leaving a legacy.

Paige Rien's an author, a designer and HGTV alum whose mission to her readers is to put their whole selves into their homes. After a career on HGTV's "Hidden Potential" for five seasons, Paige created a homeowners guide to explore and encourage the creative journey that is home making in her first book, Love the House You're In: 40 Ways to Improve Your Home & Change Your Life. (Roost Books, 2016)

Paige is passionate that work on the home is incredibly important. Work on both her own home and the homes of others, has been part of a 20+ year recovery journey for Paige.

Paige and her busy family reside in Maryland.

There is just something about a home improvement show that so many of us love, isn't there? Many watch them endlessly, or find ourselves with Pinterest boards full of ideas that we would like to bring into our home to improve it. I certainly can admit to enjoy this type of entertainment and enjoying the idea of taking a house and truly transforming it to a home. 

What if we took that idea of transforming our homes, and brought it into our spiritual life. The unique new book Revived and Renovated does just that. Reading it is like a conversation between two friends, weaving the world of home improvement with the idea of improving our faith in a beautiful way. The two authors offer unique perspectives based on their own experience and Biblical teaching, and I felt like there was definitely a little something in this book for everyone. 

If you enjoy all things home and are looking for a new book to help strengthen your faith, this is certainly one worth checking out. 

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24