Thursday, January 27, 2022

How to Live a Stress-Free Life


All of us deal with stress from time to time—for many, it may just be brought about by circumstances that occur, but for others, it can be a long-term condition that can have a negative impact on your life. Learning how to deal with your stress on a day-to-day basis can prevent you from suffering severe symptoms and preventing it from having an impact on your life.

If you’re currently suffering from increased stress and are keen to know how to tackle it, this blog will provide some of the best tips for helping you live a stress-free life.

1. Discuss your feelings with a friend

When you’re feeling depressed or anxious, one of the worst ways to react is to bottle your feelings up. It may be the case that you don’t wish to burden others or are worried about being judged, but reaching out to those closest to you could be the stepping stone to finding a solution to your problems. A comforting and supportive presence can help put your thoughts into perspective and help make well-informed decisions relating to your circumstances

2. Seek a better work/life balance

Many people struggle with mental health as a result of a poor work/life balance. Your current working style may no longer be serving you, therefore, you may need to reconsider your career options. This is especially true if you have children or are a carer for elderly relatives and feel as though you’re being pulled in multiple directions. It may be worth discussing your circumstances with your boss to see if alternative arrangements could be made, such as taking on flexible shifts or even working from home. If this is not possible, it may even be worth considering a complete career change to fit your lifestyle.

3. Drink iced tea

According to scientists, drinking iced tea could be extremely beneficial to your health and wellbeing, and in particular, keeping stress levels low. When we’re stressed, cortisol is known to increase in the body, which causes the heart to pump faster and leads to physical symptoms such as shaking, breathlessness, and an upset stomach. Drinking iced tea from brewing specialists such as could be the answer you’re looking for to keep your symptoms under control. Research has proven that doing so could lower your cortisol levels and help you feel much calmer during particularly stressful periods.

4. Get enough sleep

Are you getting enough sleep each night? Many adults suffer from sleep deprivation, which can be one of the leading factors of increased stress levels. Experts believe that adults should be getting approximately eight hours of sleep each night, but insomnia affects at least one in three adults. After several nights without sleep, you’ll start to notice mental effects such as a lack of concentration, poor energy levels, and even increased stress. Before bed, switch off your mobile devices to prevent blue light from keeping your mind active and promote a relaxed routine such as taking a hot bath or reading a book.


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