Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Simple tips for cutting down on your household’s environmental impact


Given the world’s increasing consciousness over environmental matters, you may feel it is time to reduce your own household’s environmental impact, in order to do your bit to combat climate change.


However, when environmental changes at a national and international level are still in their infancy, you may wonder how much of an impact your household can really make. 


The answer, of course, is significant - at least at a local level. You will be leading by example in your area, which may encourage others to replicate your actions. Furthermore, quite aside from the wider environmental benefits, reducing your energy usage, growing your own food, and reusing items, when possible, will save you a considerable amount of money in the long term. 


Here are a number of simple tips you can use to cut down on your household’s environmental impact:


Reuse items whenever you can

The first step in reducing your household’s environmental impact is to find ways to reduce household waste. This might include upcycling everyday items, reusing food packaging and plastic bags, or buying higher quality items that last longer - such as glass milk bottles rather than plastic, or using bamboo razors and toothbrushes rather than plastic throwaway items.


Just by doing this, you will consign far fewer items to landfills, and save money in the process.


Keep water consumption down

Another great tip for cutting down on your household’s environmental impact is to keep your water consumption to a minimum. This is particularly useful in areas with a propensity to drought but is important regardless of where you live. 


To reduce water, you may want to install a smart system in your bath, shower, and taps. This will help you set a water usage limit, effectively cutting off showers after a certain time and pouring baths at a certain temperature with a certain amount of water.


This option is great if you have a family because it stops anyone from overusing water altogether. As a bonus, it will likely save you a considerable sum when your water bill arrives at the end of the month. 


Insulate your house comprehensively

Reducing energy wastage is one of the best changes you can make to your household as an environmental and financial saving.

Although the natural place to start with this is to use fewer lights, avoid using electric items like a dishwasher, and leave the central heating turned off, this is rather unsustainable and unpleasant. 


Instead, focus on reducing energy wastage through lack of insulation. If you switch your central heating on constantly, but your property never seems to heat up, then you may have a serious issue with your insulation. 


By addressing this, your home will contain its residual heat better and require far less energy to heat it properly. 


Grow your own food

Finally, you could cut down on the amount of food you buy by growing the basics yourself


Start by growing a few fruits and vegetables, if possible, as these will lower your carbon footprint and, likely, give you access to more healthy and delicious food. As a side note, if you are successful with it, growing your own food will save you a great deal of money, too. 


Although this may not be possible if you don’t have a garden, you can always do your bit by growing herbs on your windowsill, which can still spice up your daily meals. 




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