Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Behind Love's Wall Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

Behind Love's Wall Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway
 **I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.  About the Book Book: Behind Love’s Wall Author: Carrie Fancett Pagels Genre: FICTION/ Christian/Romance Release date:  November 1, 2021 Two successful women, a hundred-and-twenty-years apart, build walls to protect their heart…

Monday, November 29, 2021

What Are the Benefits of Prayers?

What Are the Benefits of Prayers?
Did you know that over 75% of the United States population practices religion? Whether you’re Christian or Muslim, prayer is the cornerstone of any relationship with religion. It puts you in direct contact with both your creator and yourself. Despite this fact, many people forget to pray throughout …

How to Drive Safe and for Less in Texas

There are few places more magnificent to take to the open roads that Texas. With its desert climate, winning cities and wonderful culture, Texas has a mythic resonance with the people of the US and indeed travelers from around the world. But driving in the state can be costly and driving safely tak…

5 Ingredients That Can Be Used in Skincare Products

Whether you suffer from acne, are prone to dry skin, or are trying to combat the signs of aging, the right skincare routine can transform your complexion. While there are many so-called “miracle” skincare products that promise to transform your skin, you don’t need to spend a fortune to see noticea…

Help Your Child Find Their Next Favorite Sport

Children need to be active. It helps with their development, helps them stay healthy, and can help improve their mood and confidence. There are so many benefits to having your children be active and play, but a lot of damage can occur when you force children into a situation they do not like or is …

Tips for Parents During Baby's First Christmas

All new parents get super excited about their baby’s first Christmas. It is truly a memorable occasion to share with your loved ones and make lifelong memories. However, alongside the fun of the festivities, there can also be the element of anxiety attached. You now have the responsibility of a lit…

3 Tips for Fitness Success

Do you have the ambition of achieving fitness success? If so, you’re making an extremely positive choice for improving your health and wellbeing. Whatever your reasons for staying fit may be - to lose weight, improve your strength and stamina, or simply to get into shape – you’ll certainly benefit …

God Is Coming Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

God Is Coming Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway
**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All thoughts are my own.   About the Book Book:  God Is Coming Author:  Maggie Philpot Genre:  Children’s books, Christian books Release date:  October 15, 2021 In a search for a book that presented the beauty and mystery of the advent season with elegance…