Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Rhapsody in Red Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

 **I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

About the Book

Book:  Rhapsody in Red

Author: Donn Taylor

Genre: Mystery

Release date: September 2018


Preston Barclay is a reclusive history professor with musical hallucinations. The feisty Mara Thorn is a newly arrived professor with a strong desire to be left alone. But finding the body of a murdered colleague shakes them out of their quiet lives. Worse yet, police accuse them of her murder, forcing the ill-matched pair into an uneasy alliance for their defense. However, that proves more perilous than they’d thought. To succeed, they have to outwit the police, avoid discipline by the college’s incompetent administration, and escape threats and attacks by the unseen and ruthless forces behind the murder. It’s a one-in-a-hundred chance, and if they fail, they’ll end up unemployed, behind bars, or worse . . .


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Donn Taylor led an Infantry rifle platoon in the Korean War, served with Army aviation in Vietnam, and worked with air reconnaissance in Europe and Asia. Afterward, he earned a PhD in Renaissance literature and taught literature at two liberal arts colleges. His published works include six suspense novels and a book of poetry. He is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences. He lives in the woods near Houston, TX, where he writes fiction, poetry, and essays on current topics.


More from Donn

About Rhapsody in Red: From teaching eighteen years in small denominational colleges, I knew that part of the academic world well. So when I came to write the Preston Barclay Mystery Series, that’s where I turned. What would happen if someone dropped a murder into that placid environment?

That was the basic question. But that part of the college world also has internal conflicts and tensions that even the best-intentioned people can’t avoid. That leads most faculty into being discreet. But what would happen if one professor kept saying openly what the rest of the faculty were only thinking? That’s why the series protagonist, Professor Preston Barclay, is always in trouble.

In writing the series I wanted to mainly to give readers an interesting story about a murder and the complications leading to its solution. But I also wanted them to enjoy the story’s interplay of strong and often quirky personalities navigating the varied conflicts of the small-college world.

Whether I’ve achieved those objectives will be decided by each individual reader. But CBA Retailers and Resources Magazine wrote that  Rhapsody in Red is “peopled with academia’s most intriguing eccentrics and snobs,” and Christian Review of Books wrote that it’s “a delightful change from the clichés of most novels.”

Readers who enjoy Rhapsody in Red may want to look at its two sequels, Murder Mezzo Forte and Murder in Disguise.

My Thoughts

Rhapsody in Red had such a unique style to it that I almost don't know how to describe it. It was quite slow... which I don't typically care for in a mystery at all... and yet for this character, it just seemed to fit perfectly. And for the story, it worked. It was quite different and had a bit of an unusual humor to it, and I couldn't help but enjoy it! 

Press and Mara made for an interesting duo as they tried to figure out whodunnit and clear their names... it's always interesting to see amateur sleuths in the first book of a series, I think... and they certainly are that! The mystery was well written with a good amount of suspicion thrown here and there to keep you guessing through to the end. Overall, I found this to be a unique read and one that fans off clean mysteries are sure to enjoy! 

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, August 19

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, August 20 (Author Interview)

Daysong Reflections, August 20

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 21

For Him and My Family, August 22

deb’s Book Review, August 23

Inklings and notions, August 24

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 25

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, August 26

Texas Book-aholic, August 27

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, August 28

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 29

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, August 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 31

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, September 1 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, September 1


To celebrate his tour, Donn is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card plus one paperback copy of Rhapsody in Red!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. I am so excited to read this book!

  2. I like mysteries and this sounds like a great read!

  3. It will be a good book for summer reading.
    Thanks for the contest.

  4. This sounds like my style of story!

  5. I love mysteries! I like the cover.

  6. Thanks for sharing and the book details sounds interesting


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