Friday, August 13, 2021

How to Avoid Arguments During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is a beautiful time that requires a lot of patience and understanding. While you and your partner are happy to expand your family, the probability of arguments during the expectancy period is higher than ever. Here are a few ways to avoid confrontation during pregnancy.

Be prepared for the in-law fight

Regardless of how long you have been married, there will always be an issue with the in-laws. The problems seem to amplify themselves between blended family members when pregnancy is a factor. One side of the family wants what the other side of the family abhors and vice versa.

You can avoid a fight with your partner over the in-laws by reminding them that the focal point of the relationship is the love you share between each other. The in-laws do not reside in your home and, thus, should not have as much power as they are being given at the moment.

Those who live with in-laws may need to focus more energy on spending time with each other. Make it a point to go walking together every day without third parties. Exercise will reduce stress levels and lead to a more healthy pregnancy, too.

Have more understanding

In 2012, 1,268,011 men and women in the United States practiced as licensed lawyers. The amount of time these professionals spent at work definitely impeded their personal life.

Your spouse will likely put in more hours at the office with the notion of the family expanding on his mind. Their rationale is usually that extra money is needed with a baby on the way. It is better to have an understanding of how your spouse may be thinking instead of waiting for them to come home to start an argument. Remember that they are working hard for you and the baby, but remind them that you need their support, too. Always try to find a middle ground and hear out your partner's side.

Do not let hormones overtake the relationship

It is quite shocking to learn how many marriages fall apart after a couple welcomes a baby. In many cases, the arguing that ensued during the pregnancy is what led to marriage dissolution after the labor and delivery experience.

In divorce cases, the non-custodial parent has about 88 days a year with the child. If you're in a heated argument just think: is this fight worth only spending 88 days with my child? Pregnancy causes constant hormonal changes within the body. Do not let a small argument during what should be an exciting segment of your life ruin your relationship.

Put money in its place

Money has a way of testing every relationship. It's incredibly common, especially during pregnancy, to have strong disagreements when it comes to money and the living space. You may be ready to move to a bigger place with the baby on the way or fix up spaces that you don't like anymore. This is incredibly common as far as home renovations go. In fact, in 2020, 33% of homeowners who renovated their master bathroom said the main reason for the upgrade was because they could not stand the old bathroom.

You have to keep track of how much you are spending at all times. It is impossible to spend what you do not have. While you will need to update your space to make room for the new baby, just make sure you are keeping your budget in mind at all times.

Pregnancy is an exciting time for everyone. Use this time to focus on intuitive parenting instead of arguing about what you cannot change.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24