Saturday, July 10, 2021

See You Monday Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

 **I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

About the Book

Book:  See You Monday

Author: Kristen Terrette

Genre: Young Adult

Release date: April 30, 2021


Senior year. The homestretch.

Honor student, Grace Warner, had it easy. Popularity, friends, attention from her crush, even a soccer scholarship offer—if only she can figure out her senior project to graduate on time. Getting approval to write about someone’s life-changing event, Grace recruits her sassy grandma as her mentor who can’t wait to tell the crazy story from her childhood.

Events in the early sixties are words in history books to Grace, but her grandma lived them. She witnessed the civil rights movement in full swing, desegregation becoming a reality in her southern town, Martin Luther King, Jr. moving the country with his iconic speech, and the country coming to a halt when President Kennedy was assassinated.

Grace loves finding out her family history but didn’t know the project would have her noticing hardships and prejudices at her school she hadn’t before. When the homecoming court is announced and new kid, Jacob Horton, is nominated as a colossal prank, it brings Grace to a choice, much like her grandmother years before her. God is about to use her in a miracle if she chooses correctly. If she fails, a life could be lost.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kristen’s passionate about storytelling and helping people take their next steps in their relationship with Jesus. She lives forty-five minutes outside of Atlanta, GA. where she served as a Children’s Ministry Director for many years. With the support of her husband and two children, she now stays home writing fiction and non-fiction. She also serves on the women’s leadership team at her local church and writes for Crosswalk and Wholly Loved Ministries. You can check out her articles and novels at



More from Kristen

In most novels, a touch of the writer’s life scatters itself throughout the words—a phrase, the personality of a character, the circumstances of a heartache or joy. These serve as tiny acknowledgements to those who motivated them. But sometimes it’s something much, much more.


See You Monday is inspired by a family, my family, and a little girl, my mother, who went through a captivating, life-shaping course of events during 1963 and 1964. It’s a story of how God awakened her to Him and how, when we follow Jesus—doing what He asks—our choices cause miraculous ripple effects which spread for generations.


Have you ever thought about that? How one choice can change everything? How the course of someone’s life can be altered for good or bad by someone’s decision?


At one point in my novel, my grandmother (her character’s name is Johnnie) makes a choice when my mom (“Sandy” in the story) was a child. Many years later, we find out this choice had lasting effects, reaching as far as a grown man, from my generation, who lived across town—not even in their neighborhood. And this happens all the time. God is always using us in miracles, we simply have to be attuned to Him and willing say yes.


And since this story brings real people to life in the time-lapse back to the early 60s in Chattanooga, Tennessee, I’d thought I share pictures of the actual Lewis/Baron clan.


These photos, taken between 1958-1961, show four generations who lived under one roof. The cutie pie kids are my mother (the oldest/blonde), my aunt (the adorable redhead who steals every scene in the book), and my uncle (the baby). Also, check out the car in the driveway! I wish we still had it.


What’s your story? What ripple effects have your relatives left behind when they said yes to being used by God? What choice have you made that changed yours or a loved one’s course? Maybe something you didn’t realize until years later?


I hope you’ll think through your own family line and the legacy they leave. And be sure to get a copy of my Young Adult novel, See You Monday, to find out how my own family inspired its timely message in the life of Grace, a seventeen-year-old senior in high school.

My Thoughts

While See You Monday may be a young adult novel, I feel like this is a story that can truly be enjoyed by readers of all ages. Being in my 30s, I am clearly far from the intended young adult audience, but I found myself drawn into the story nonetheless. In this story, we meet Grace- a senior who is looking for the perfect senior project and decides to interview her grandmother about the events in her life between 1963-1964. 

The story jumps back and forth between Grace's life in the current time and her grandma's life in the 60s. I have mentioned in the past that dual timeline stories are often hit and miss for me, and this one was certainly a hit. Because Grace's grandmother is telling her her story, the back and forth is absolutely seamless. The author has a way of telling these stories that draws you in and makes you want to listen... and I could not get enough. I definitely enjoyed the historical parts of the story more myself, but all of it was very well written and easy to follow. It tackles some tough issues like racism, hate and bullying both past and present while weaving in beautiful messages of faith as well. 

If you have a teen in your life, this is definitely one to recommend they check out, but it's also one that adults can enjoy just as much as well!


Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, June 29

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, June 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 30

Texas Book-aholic, July 1

Inklings and notions, July 2

For Him and My Family, July 3

Mary Hake, July 3

Reflections From My Bookshelves, July 4

deb’s Book Review, July 5

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, July 6

Rebecca Tews, July 7

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, July 8

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, July 9

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, July 10

Cats in the Cradle Blog, July 11

Nancy E Wood, July 11

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 12


To celebrate her tour, Kristen is giving away the grand prize package of signed paperback copy of See You Monday, Chattanooga-based “Clumpies” signature ice cream pint pack, Chattanooga-based “The Hot Chocolatier” large box of assorted chocolates, and a $25 Dunkin’ Donuts gift card!!

Disclaimer: Some items contain milk, gluten, nuts, soy, and egg products.

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24