Thursday, July 1, 2021

5 Things Your Teen Can Do This Summer That'll Improve Their College Application

 The process of helping your child advance from being a high school graduate to being a college student can be long and tedious. It will also require your teen to be very determined and put in a lot of hard work as a scholar. Therefore, they will need a tremendous amount of support from those around them. That being so, we have created a short list of five things you and your child can do to help them improve the success of their college application.

Hire a Tutor

Most colleges will always put your high school GPA as the top eligibility factor before you are admitted. It goes without saying that a good GPA is step one in the process of acquiring any sort of college education. A tutor will help guide your teen and hone their skills, upgrading their strengths and building upon their weaknesses. This can help your teen get better grades, which can get them into some of the best colleges. When the time comes for writing college essays, a tutor's experienced eye will come in handy.

Prep For the SAT and the ACT

There are some standardized tests set to measure college readiness and, ultimately, predict future academic success. The grade one achieves in these tests could make or break a student when a college admissions committee is making decisions on who to accept and who to turn away. When preparing for these tests, one should aim for a high SAT or ACT score, as good scores could potentially earn one a merit-based scholarship. Be sure to have your child apply to more than one school during this time. This makes sure that they will get accepted to at least one school, be it their safety school, their match school, or their reach school.


Extracurricular activities are important to college admission committees. They show the level of commitment of the student and are considered a great way to acquire life skills and knowledge through community service. Community service hours provide students with the opportunity to make a positive impact on society and become active members of the community whilst providing a service to those who need it. Numerous community service hours look good to college administrators because they are a reflection of the time and effort put into working them. Your child can get started by volunteering for as little as three hours a week.

Apply For an Internship

Getting an internship is a great way to gain experience of how the working world operates and build up a good resume. Encourage your child to apply for an internship somewhere unorthodox. According to statistics from 2017, women-owned businesses employ nearly nine million people. In such internships, depending on what they do, a student can submit their work and get published. The work is recognized and can be cited in their portfolio as a reference.

Get a Job

A good way to earn some extra cash whilst still gaining experience is by getting a job. By the time a high school student is thinking about applying for college, they are about 15 to 18 years of age, which means they could work at a variety of places. A summer camp is a great spot for a teen to work. They can learn about childcare, sports, communication, and even animals, such as the fact that a horse between the ages of 15 and 18 is considered to have entered its senior stage. Most parents will start thinking along the same lines, and a job is a good way to show responsibility and readiness to start college.

These are just a few things we have selected that could help improve an aspiring college student's application. Anything else that can be done in order to improve the college application branches from these five things. The college application process can prove to be trying, but with the right tools and support, it can be done, meaning your child will be on the right track for a successful life.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24