Tuesday, June 8, 2021

The Importance of Tithing and Offering


If you've attended church or had a deeper involvement in the church for any length of time, you've most likely heard of tithing and offering.

Tithes are something many churches hold up as standard practice for Believers, but what is it, and is it something we are still supposed to do today?

A good place to start is to look at where tithing comes from. Whose idea was it in the first place? Let's see what the Bible says.

What Is Tithing According To The Bible?

In Malachi 3 verse 10, God says we are to bring the full tithe into the storehouse. He goes on to promise that if we do so, He will open the windows of heaven and pour out great blessing that we won't have enough room to contain it.

The word 'tithe' literally means a tenth. In a broad sense, the Christian practice of tithing is to give ten percent of your income back to God. In the Old Testament, the Israelites gave their first fruits to the temple, nowadays we give to God by giving to the church.

But That's in the Old Testament. Does It Still Apply?

While the original tithing verse is in the Old Testament, the New Testament has a lot to say about giving to God too.

According to the new testament, our giving is to be used for ministry and furthering the gospel. The new testament doesn't limit our giving to ten percent, but encourages that each one should give joyfully what he has decided in his heart to give because God loves a cheerful giver.

Why Is Tithing Important?

For a Christian, the importance of tithing and offering is wrapped up in obedience. Giving back to God is a sign of your trust in Him as your provider. It's a way of acknowledging Him as your source of help, and helps you to remember that He is the one who is able to meet all your needs.

Tithing is a way to partner with your local church to enable them to fulfill their God-given mission.

Which Church Should You Tithe To?

Your tithe goes to the church that you're a member of as they are the 'storehouse' that feeds you spiritually. If you're not officially a member yet, but visit regularly, you can still tithe to that church.

A church's website will have specific tithing instructions, for example, the Parkway Fellowship giving page. If you see yourself as part of the church, you are free to tithe to that church. 

Is an Offering Different to a Tithe?

Offerings describe any free-will giving that is over and above your 10% tithe. God loves it when you are generous with what He's blessed you with, because it shows that you trust Him.

Tithing and Offering Out of Faith and Obedience

Tithing and offering will make you grow in faith and trust. As you grow, giving will become easier. Each time you take a step in obedience, He will prove Himself faithful.

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24