Monday, June 28, 2021

The Effects of Menopause on Health. How to Deal With Them?


It is quite common that women in their age of late 40s or early 50s experience menopause. At this stage, the menstrual period stops for completely 12 months, which can last four or more years.


Aside from menopause, the whole body undergoes many changes such as hot flashes, weight gain, skin issues, mood swings, cardioprotective effects, and more. Some of the troubles make your life uncomfortable, and others go unnoticed.


So, let’s learn how menopause affects your body with the most common symptoms.


     Reproductive system


Women’s bodies shed fertilizing eggs every month. Without it, there will be no menstruation. But during the perimenopause stage, your body stops producing eggs for fertilization, which affects your reproductive system.


Menopause can affect other parts of the reproductive system. Like, when you are no longer going through monthly cycles, it results in no thickening of cervical mucus toward the middle of your cycle. However, it can also lead to overall vaginal dryness. Sometimes, over-the-counter lubricants can help you. Otherwise, consult with your OB-GYN. 


     Endocrine system


The endocrine system involves hormonal changes in the body due to menopause. These could involve hot flashes, brain fog, fine lines, vaginal dryness, low libido, and bladder leakage. These troubles can come anytime and can last from a few seconds to minutes. Therefore, looking for a self-care menopause wellness solution becomes essential to deal with this issue. For this, experts advised avoiding excessive caffeine, and hot beverages intake, spicy food, and feeling stressed.


You can also follow some tactics such as wearing comfortable clothes that can protect you from hot flashes. You must plan for more breathing exercises during menopause. Remember, menopause causes your body to accumulate energy which leads to weight gain. Make sure you must have an adequate exercise plan to burn extra calories.



     Nervous system


Mood swings are very common during menopause. But if the effects of mood swings last for many weeks, it can be troublesome. Experts advise consulting with the medical practitioner at an early stage. Otherwise, it can lead to increased anxiety or depression. In some cases, sleeping also becomes challenging due to hot flashes and night sweats, resulting in memory loss.


     Immune and excretory systems


A drop in estrogen levels can be a reason for bladder leakage, also called incontinence. In addition, it can affect your sleep due to regular interference of urine. In addition, laughing, working out, or sneezing are the few occasions when you find urine more frequently.


     Cardiovascular system


A lower estrogen level in the body can boost the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke. Besides, low estrogen also affects the body’s cholesterol level. So, consult with your doctor. Your doctors may suggest hormone replacement therapy to deal with changes.


     Skeletal and muscular systems


Menopause can also affect your bone density. Therefore bone fracture risks are at a very high level during the 40s and 50s age. Even the joint becomes stiff and achy, which results in chronic pain. Regular exercise is an effective remedy to deal with osteoporosis.



Final words


Hope the above guide helps you to know the most common troubles during menopause. So, if you are also going through this stage, do not forget to look for menopause wellness plans and consult your doctor. A regular workout can also work as an effective remedy.










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