Friday, June 18, 2021

How to Save Money When Moving to a New City


Are you looking to move to a new city? Well, don't worry! You have come to the right place. This article will discuss how you can save money while moving and live in your new home without breaking the bank. We will cover topics such as decluttering before packing, booking your movers strategically, talking with your utility provider (and even possibly switching providers), packing smartly, and not overdoing it on boxes or furniture that doesn't make sense for your destination location (we'll get into what "smart" means later), packing some of the items yourself, and finally considering whether you want to do this all by yourself or hire someone low budget who might not be good at their job.


De-Clutter Before you Pack

Preparing before you move can save time, space, and money.

It may feel like an additional item on your to-do list, but getting rid of items that you do not want to take with you will ultimately save time, space, and money.

"Try to stay organized by cleaning out your home before packing. You'll want to pack your food beforehand and take inventory of what you don't need anymore." Depending on how much you have simplified your lifestyle, you could save hundreds of dollars, as changing your location is one of the main drivers for charging a moving company by the hour.

Beyond that, one of the best ways to finance your move is by getting rid of all the stuff you've accumulated and sold it. The first thing to do when you start packing takes furniture or nice clothing to consignment shops, put items on websites, and hold a garage sale if you're feeling ambitious. If you choose not to sell your excess belongings, consider donating them or scheduling a paycheck pickup.


Book your Mover Strategically

Contact your moving company to get a quote so you can understand how much weekend and off-season transport will cost, this will help you calculate cost of relocating to another city. One day may be cheaper than another, depending on when your service is scheduled.

"Monday is an inexpensive day to move because it is less likely that someone will move on a weekday, but Friday morning is the best time of the week." If you can take off work for a few days, Monday through Wednesday will be the cheapest days of the week. "It's best to avoid the last week of every month since weekends are generally less expensive and more intense."

Moving in the off-season can help you save more money.

"In general, you can expect to save 20 to 30 percent if you move on less popular days."


Talk with your Utility Provider

Avoid a double cost towards utilities, rent or mortgage, internet, and cable at two locations by reducing the number of trips you make. Contact your cell phone company to discuss proration. However, don't forget to take advantage of post-move specials from internet and cable providers with which you're familiar. And be sure to speak with utility companies about how moving might affect your service plans before finalizing anything. Some utility providers will waive these costs if you have a history of timely payments elsewhere or if you've been with them for a while.


Pack Smartly

The cost of moving supplies can make or break a budget. So instead of hiring a company that charges hundreds, think outside the box.

"Before you buy any packing material, make sure you're using all of your suitcases and wicker baskets. Instead of using bubble wrap to protect your furniture and dishes, put a towel or pantyhose around the items. "Balancing the right level of preparation for your move without overtaxing yourself can be tough. The boxes you need are out there, but it might take a little extra effort to find them.

Some people will come across an old cardboard box, while others will use packing tape or sheets of the newspaper when they don't have any other resources.


Pack it yourself

Saving money on your move takes some effort, but packing everything yourself can save you tons of cash. Unfortunately, this is the longest process and, therefore, one of the most expensive aspects of relocating. Instead of hiring movers to pack your whole house, you can compromise by hiring them only to pick up and package your boxes.

Once you have your boxes packed, all that is left to do is load them into the moving truck and bring them inside of your new home.

This can be a time-consuming process, but it will save you money in the long run since professional packers won't take such small jobs (unless they are struggling financially).


Don't Hire Low Budget Movers

It's not always best to hire the cheapest moving company, because it can be a bad experience. However, there are plenty of low-cost movers with good reviews who will do an excellent job for you.

While it's very tempting to hire the least expensive mover to save money, this may end up costing. In addition, hiring an improperly qualified mover can completely derail your move.

When it comes to moving, hiring an unprofessional company can cost you in a variety of ways. Unprofessional movers run the risk of damaging your items.

Moving great distances, like from across the country or internationally, also poses challenges. Don't take the word of a moving company that your size was underestimated.

Hiring a professional moving company will typically involve paying them in advance, but some movers might hold your items hostage if the appropriate payment is not received. For example, suppose you pay the full amount of a non-binding estimate (or your binding estimate, plus 15% of the impracticable operations charges). In that case, you're entitled to possession of all items picked up by movers. To avoid your shipment being held hostage, make sure your mover relinquishes control when they drop it off. Unfortunately, although this law is there to protect consumers, some moving companies take advantage of it.



So, now you know how to save money while moving. The next step is for you to start planning your move with the knowledge that we have provided. Now all you need to do is get started! Clear out clutter before packing, book a mover in advance who will be able-bodied and experienced, talk with your utility company about what they can provide during the transition period, pack smartly so everything has its place (and don't forget anything!), and then use this article as inspiration when it comes time to take on any of those tasks from our list yourself or hire someone else to help - but again, make sure they are up for the task by checking their reviews beforehand. Good luck on your big adventure and happy packing.


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