Thursday, June 24, 2021

Beginner Tips For Getting Started With Calligraphy


Calligraphy refers to the art of creating beautiful symbols and ornate letters by hand. It goes beyond being a creative art form and entails skills and techniques for inscribing and positioning words. The script shows integrity, harmony, and rhythm along with the visual appeal. The popularity of calligraphy witnessed a quick surge in the pandemic times, as people wanted to try their hand at new hobbies and skills. Everyone can learn it, regardless of age and skill levels. But some tips and facts before getting started set you up for a better experience with this unique art form. Here are some beginner tips to get a good start.

Practice and patience are vital

While calligraphy may seem easy when you just start, it requires a great deal of practice and patience. It can be discouraging as your skills do not improve much even after the hours you invest. Remember that calligraphy is a specialized skill, just like playing piano or guitar is. You cannot expect to pick up a brush pen and master the technique right away. There isn’t an easy way around, and you have to practice every single day to enhance the skill.

Gather your tools

Once you are mentally ready with realistic expectations, it is time to take the first step. You will need a list of tools to get started. These include brushes and calligraphy worksheets, though you can experiment with other tools like feather quills, bamboo nibs, glass pens, fountain pens, and dipper pens. A fountain pen is a good choice for a beginner because it is less cumbersome. You need not dip it into an ink well while practicing your technique initially, so you can focus more on the task at hand.

Learn the basics

Like any other art form, you have to test the waters with calligraphy before plunging in with full force. Everything starts with learning the basics. Consider joining a class, physical or online, to have the basic knowledge at hand. Strokes are the starting point of calligraphy as they make up the letters. You should not even attempt writing letters and words without getting a grip over strokes. So practice your strokes over and over again until you are consistent with them. Once you are confident, step into the realm of letters and words.

Seek inspiration

While tools and supplies are the starting points, you need some inspiration before diving in. Fortunately, you can find some great resources online. Check modern calligraphy blogs and follow the best artists on Instagram. Save screenshots of the samples you like and try replicating them in your practice sessions. Watch some YouTube videos for practical guidance. Talk to an expert to get some tips and pointers that take you the extra mile with the skills and techniques.

Although calligraphy requires patience, practice, and hard work, it is an art worth learning and experience worth trying. Just pick a quiet workplace and get started, and you will have a beautiful piece of art ready sooner than you expect.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24