Thursday, April 8, 2021

Simple Tips for an Effortless Move

There are few things in this life that can be more stressful than a move. 

From leaving behind your former home to finding the perfect place in your new town, there is a lot that goes into the process. Today, I'm sharing a few simple ideas to help take away some of the stress that moving can bring.

Don't Go At It Alone.

There are many aspects of moving that might fall on you alone (such as looking into schools, securing a job, etc), but there are many other aspects that don't have to fall squarely on your own shoulders. The actual packing and moving is among those. Having moved both on our own and with movers coming in and packing most of it for us, I have to say that the moves with the professionals were more stress free. They knew exactly what they were doing and could get it done much more quickly and efficiently than I could on my own. This freed my time up to take on other tasks involved with the move too. Not sure where to begin? A simple search of 'movers near me' will point you in the right direction. 

Don't Bring What You Won't Use.

Over the years, we all tend to accumulate a lot of stuff... and it can be hard to part with some of that. There is no better time to sort through and downsize than as you are preparing for a move.  Why spend the time, energy and money to move things that simply will not be used? 

Before the movers come, take the time to get rid of all that stuff just taking up space. You can set up a yard sale to help fund the move, or just donate it all to clear it out quickly. Either way you will love starting off with a clean slate in your new home. 

Research Your New Home.

While it might not always be the easiest to visit your new city in person before the big move, you can always research it from afar. Get to know the area-- what is around? where are the best schools? what's the nicest neighborhood? what's the safest? and so on. 

Working with a local realtor can be a great way to do this as they should know the ins and outs to help you out! 

Protect Yourself Legally.

Deciding to purchase a home is perhaps one of the biggest decisions you will make in your life... and you want to make sure you are protected in doing so. On top of making sure to having a reliable and thorough inspection done, it's never a bad idea to protect yourself legally as well. Finding a company like that specializes in residential sales can help keep the process of buying your dream home from turning into a nightmare. 

Make Your New Residence Work For You.

Chances of finding a home that is perfect for you and your needs as it is, is... well unlikely to say the least. Don't let that stress you out. The great thing about buying a home is that you can work to make it fit your needs perfectly. If you plan to use your home for farming or otherwise run some type of business from your residence, you can build the necessary buildings and buy the proper equipment to make that happen. If working on cars or woodworking is your hobby (or profession), take the time to put together the perfect garage or workshop to fit those needs. Look at each property as the starting point and seek to find not the perfect property straight off the market, but the property that can be made perfect for you. Check out this website for various scales and equipment that might be of use. 

Are you experienced with moving? What advice would you give in making a move more effortless?


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