Saturday, March 6, 2021

Methuselah Project S.O.S. Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

 **I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 

About the Book


Book:  Methuselah Project S.O.S.

Author: Rick Barry

Genre: Christian suspense

Release date: October 20, 2020


Born in the final days of Nazi Germany, an underground organization is alive, growing, and manipulating events in our world today …

The survivor of a secret German experiment in 1943, Roger Greene possesses a unique physiology. To this day, his body remains youthful and heals quickly. In exchange for information about the mysterious Heritage Organization that Roger once escaped, the CIA has given him a new identity and pulled strings to get him into the modern U.S. Air Force.

Now, Roger’s main thrills are serving his country in an F-35 and spending time with Katherine, the love of his life. Suddenly, the CIA shows up and drops a bombshell—evidence that Sophie, the woman who Roger believed had died helping him escape, is alive. The Heritage Organization is holding her and others prisoner in an unknown location.

Honor-bound to rescue the woman who risked her life for him, Roger accepts temporary duties with the CIA. But just when the mission is already straining his relationship with Katherine, Roger becomes a murder suspect. A fugitive, he continues alone the mission to find Sophie. What he discovers lands this pilot deep inside a shadowy network intent on world domination.

Will Roger’s faith carry him through this quest—or will those tracking him succeed in snuffing out his long life once and for all?

A sensational standalone story, Rick Barry’s sequel to The Methuselah Project launches you into an unforgettable journey through danger, suspense, hope, and love—an experience that will keep you turning pages well into the night! 


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author


Rick Barry has authored 4 novels: The Methuselah Project, Methuselah Project S.O.S., Gunner’s Run, and a young adult fantasy called Kiriath’s Quest. In addition, he has hundreds of published articles and short stories to his credit. He speaks Russian and has visited Eastern Europe over 50 times. Experiences that have provided fuel for his fiction include skydiving, mountain climbing, rappelling, serving in Christian camping ministries in Russia, kayaking, wilderness hiking, white-water rafting, visiting World War II battlegrounds, and prowling deserted buildings in the evacuated Chernobyl zone in Ukraine.

My Review

To be honest, this isn't my usual type of read. I'm not huge on books with a sci-fi element... or at the very least, I'm quite picky about them anyway. As such, I'm perhaps not the ideal audience. Still, I can appreciate good storytelling when I see it and Rick Barry certainly knows how to tell a good story. 

Methuselah Project S.O.S. is a follow up to the author's previous novel The Methuselah Project, but was written as a standalone as well. It is my understanding that characters were previously introduced, but having never read the first one, I can say that it didn't feel like I was missing anything at all. Right from the very start, the stakes are clear in this high paced read... it certainly kept me on my toes wondering what might happen next. I enjoyed the elements of faith that were weaved so well into the story as well. Again, this might not be my preferred genre or a book that I would have typically chosen for myself, but I found it to be enjoyable nonetheless. This is one that fans of sci-fi/fantasy suspense are going to want to check out. 

More from Rick

More than once, I’ve told friends that if I could write only one novel in my life, The Methuselah Project is the one I’d choose. After all, that inspirational suspense story has equal appeal for men and women readers. Plus, its hero—Captain Roger Greene—is such a fun character. He’s patriotic, handsome, humble, conscientious, and he possesses a sense of humor that carries him through tough times. Sure, it’s a suspense story, but it also includes a satisfying touch of romance.


However, with the publication of its standalone follow-up, Methuselah Project S.O.S., I might have to revise my statement. In this second book I worked hard to raise the stakes, to increase the danger, and to ramp up the tension. Also, in this book we get much better acquainted with the main characters, and the romance deepens. (Sorry, no spoilers!) Even though Roger Greene and his girlfriend Katherine are my own inventions, I’ve really grown to love these two. Judging by reviews, readers have, too!


I confess that S.O.S. was harder to write than the first book. My brain insists on details and believability. For me to write it, the plot of S.O.S. compelled me to research a variety of subjects—the CIA, the Air Force, escape and evasion techniques, functional booby traps, and more. The resulting story is a roller coaster ride of action and emotions.


So, what gives me as author the most joy from these books? Probably the reviews where readers begin, “I don’t usually read this kind of book”—but then tell why they absolutely loved it. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next one to say so!

Blog Stops


To celebrate his tour, Rick is giving away  the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a paper copy of Methuselah Project S.O.S.!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Whoa..this is intriguing for sure! I'll be checking it out!

  2. This sounds like an amazing book. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  3. Randi, Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts.

  4. It looks like an interesting read.


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