Wednesday, February 3, 2021

How to Cheer Up a Friend in Lockdown


The past year has been extremely difficult for everyone because of the numerous lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, but some individuals are finding it tougher than others. Although some restrictions are starting to ease with the news of the vaccine, there are still many locations both locally and worldwide where individuals are still forced to stay at home to shield from the disease. This has had a huge mental impact on many people who say they now have ‘cabin fever’. You can play your part in helping your closest friends and family cope in lockdown. Here are just a few ideas:

Write them a letter


Gone are the days when loved ones would send each other a hand-written letter and there’s no doubt that social media is to blame for this shift in communication. Receiving a written letter is considered a real novelty in the current day and age and shows that you have put in time and effort.

When writing, consider aspects that are sure to give them a mood boost including what makes them a great friend, as well as their best personal qualities. You could also add a few photos of some of your favorite memories. Sometimes, people need a reminder that they’re respected and appreciated – and something as simple and genuine as this will cost you very little but will mean so much.

Plan a walk


If restrictions allow and you’re local to one another, why not plan a socially-distanced walk? Staying cooped up indoors can cause you to overthink and become depressed and you may even be suffering from a lack of vitamin D from the sunshine. While entertainment venues, bars and restaurants are shut, getting out in the fresh air is the only option you have to meet up safely. Research has shown that being outdoors can lower stress-related hormones such as cortisol and blood pressure, as well as increasing your energy to help you feel more positive and motivated.

Send a gift


What better way to put a smile on someone’s face than sending a gift through the post? Ordering online has become even more popular with store closures and is an extremely easy way of treating your loved one. It can be difficult to know what to buy someone, however, you could choose handmade Australia gifts that are locally sourced, organic and sustainable. Handmade gifts are sure to mean much more to the recipient as they are unique, often customized and have been created with a great deal of care and attention.

Plan for the future


Although it’s difficult to predict how the future is set to play out with the developing restrictions, it’s always a good idea to plan activities you’d like to do together when things get back to normal. In doing so, you’ll keep each other’s spirits up as well as making the most of the time spent indoors. You could create a collaborative mood board or even a spreadsheet of ideas to consider.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24