Wednesday, February 17, 2021

A Worthy Heart Blog Tour: Book Review + Giveaway

 **I received a complimentary copy of this book for consideration. All thoughts are my own. 


About the Book

Book:  A Worthy Heart

Author: Sara Beth Williams

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: January 9, 2019


Joel Bennett has always known Serena Hayes as his sister’s gregarious best friend. In the three years since Lacey began college, Serena became a regular houseguest, but lately, she’s absent more than not. When Joel discovers she’s in an abusive relationship, protectiveness from within roars to life.

With only a part-time job to support her and nowhere to go, Serena fears leaving her current relationship would jeopardize her chances of graduating college. After a brutal attack leaves her no choice, she courageously moves out. On her journey toward regaining confidence, self-worth, and independence, Joel falls in beside her, encouraging her. The way he emulates Godly love and compassion draws her close–not just to him, but to the God who can satisfy her longing for love better than any man,

Attraction sizzles between them, but events from their pasts cast shadows of doubt. When the unthinkable happens, can Serena open her heart to a second chance at love, or is she destined to be alone?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author


Sara Beth Williams is a wife, mother of two daughters, and temporary caretaker of a lovable old lady pit and a spunky Pomeranian-Shih Tzu mix. She lives in Northern California. When she’s not held hostage by the keyboard, she enjoys music, teaching, reading and spending time with her family. She is all about connecting with readers! Find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Bookbub and AllAuthor.


More from Sara Beth

Can I tell you a secret? When writing a new manuscript, book titles for me either come immediately, or they take years – literally – to develop into something catchy and strong. A Worthy Heart came to me almost immediately. I had no hesitation, because I knew what I wanted the story’s message to be.

Whereas the titles for my first and third book took over a year of going back and forth, with much indecision, A Worthy Heart resonated perfection.

What do you think makes a strong, unique title? I love titles with double meanings. I felt like A Worthy Heart truly captured both the romantic feel of the storyline, and the spiritual message of the storyline simultaneously. And I absolutely love when that happens!

I truly hope you enjoy Joel and Serena’s story, and I hope you can decipher both meanings in the title. More than that, I hope you take those three words to heart, because those three words are exactly what God believes about every single one of you.

Happy reading,

Sara Beth Williams

My Review

A Worthy Heart starts off with a bang... quite literally... when our main character is in a car crash. Thankfully, her friend's brother Joel witnesses the whole thing and drives her home. Here he witnesses just why she hasn't been around much lately... she is in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend Chris.

Talk about drawing you in right from the start, this one certainly did. I must admit though, as the story progressed, I found myself feeling as though I was missing something. Like I'd picked up somewhere in the middle of the story. As it turned out, I was. A Worthy Heart is the second book in the author's Second Chance series and these characters were previously introduced in that book. While it was a good story on it's own, I definitely felt like I didn't connect with the characters as much as I could have had I had more of the background. As such, I definitely think this is one that can best be enjoyed as a series! 

As I said though, it was still a good story and one that I feel is so important. The topic of domestic abuse isn't an easy one to read about, but it's important. This story gave us a bit of insight as to why women stay, and the long term effects that this type of relationship can have. 

Blog Stops

A Baker’s Perspective, February 4 (Author Interview)

Rebecca Tews, February 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 5

Texas Book-aholic, February 6

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 7

For Him and My Family, February 8

deb’s Book Review, February 9

Inklings and notions, February 10

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, February 11

Artistic Nobody, February 12 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 13

By The Book, February 14 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 14

Sara Jane Jacobs, February 15

Happily Managing a House of Boys, February 16

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, February 17


To celebrate her tour, Sara is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of A Worthy Heart!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Wonderful review, Randi! Sounds like one not to miss. Thank you for hosting.

  2. I love this cover! So pretty! Added to my ever growing tbr!

  3. Thank you for sharing your review of this book, it does sound like a good read


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24