Monday, January 4, 2021

The Mulberry Leaf Whispers Blog Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway


The Mulberry Leaf Whispers JustRead Blog + Review Tour

Welcome to the Blog + Review Tour for The Mulberry Leaf Whispers by Linda Thompson, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

The Mulberry Leaf Whispers

Title: The Mulberry Leaf Whispers 
Series: Brands from the Burning #2
Linda Thompson
Publisher: Mountain Brook Ink
Release Date: December 15, 2020
Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

A WWII Japanese naval officer. The teenage daughter of a legendary Christian samurai. Three centuries separate them, but a crucial question binds their destinies together. 

Which lives have value? 

 In the highly anticipated sequel to her award-winning debut novel, The Plum Blooms in Winter, Linda Thompson provides a riveting story inspired by true events. 

"Splendid story!... Rivals Shogun with its sweeping story of passion and faith, of survival and hope.... Be prepared to be enriched, moved and deeply satisfied." - Jane Kirkpatrick, award-winning author of Something Worth Doing 

"Gorgeous... not-to-be-missed..." - Sarah Sundin, bestselling and Carol Award-winning author of When Twilight Breaks and the Sunrise at Normandy series 

1587. Bartered off in a peace agreement to the ancient enemies of her illustrious house, is Sono a war prize, a hostage, or a bride? One hope sustains her. If she can provide an heir to the dashing husband she just met, she'll ensure decades of peace for the beloved family she was forced to leave behind. But when a dark secret threatens her desperate bid to purchase their security, she must rise to a battle she never dreamed she'd fight. 

1942. Akira Matsuura’s naval vessel explodes under enemy fire. Everything he has lived for disappears in flames with it. His command, his crew, his future—all lost. Worse, his honor is eternally decimated. A prisoner’s life is of value to no one. Least of all to himself. But a stunning twist reveals his family’s secret shame. Can a long-buried truth provide the vital spark that reignites his will to live? 

Thrill to two poignant journeys of courage, duty, and sacrifice, deftly woven through the centuries to inspire with dynamic faith that conquers despair.

PURCHASE LINKS*: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | IndieBoundBookBub

Linda Thompson

Linda Thompson stepped back from a corporate career that spanned continents to write what she loves—stories of unstoppable faith. Her debut novel, The Plum Blooms in Winter, was a Cascade Award winner and a Christy- and Carol-Award finalist. Linda writes from the sun-drenched Arizona desert, where she lives with her husband, a third-generation airline pilot who is also her Chief Military Research Officer, one mostly-grown-up kid, and a small platoon of housecats. When Linda isn’t writing you’ll find her rollerblading—yes, that makes her a throwback—taking in a dramatic desert moonrise, or enjoying their first grandbaby.

CONNECT WITH LINDA:  Website | FacebookTwitter | Instagram

Hi Linda! Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions and giving my readers the chance to get to know you and your new book- The Mulberry Leaf Whispers a little bit better!  I like to start these interviews the same way with something fun to break the ice: 

Can you share 5 random facts about yourself that we will NOT find in your bio?

- I’ve always been a little conflicted about whether I’m a right-brain or a left-brain person. My degree is in electrical and computer engineering, and I was actually pretty good at it.
- Thinking back however, the very first career I remember choosing was as a figure-skating choreographer! Sounds pretty random, but as an avid competitive ice dancer it made sense to me at the time. 
- In addition to dabbling with my own choreography, I also liked to design and handcraft my own elaborate skating costumes.
- Doing a quick shift to the present day, we just moved from the desert south of Phoenix to the arid mountains north of it. After twenty years living in a city with essentially no seasons, it’s been a great thrill to enjoy the fall foliage here. And I’m watching a gentle snow fall as I write this.
- My husband and I share a passion for delving into Bible prophecy. Yes, 2020 has been a wild ride, but we must appreciate that we live at a watershed moment in history! 

Let’s talk writing! When did you first discover that you had a passion and talent for writing?

In middle school, I think! I remember that I enjoyed the challenge of responding to my English teacher’s writing prompts. Even though I went a different direction professionally, expressing ideas in writing was always a core component of my job description. But much as I loved reading fiction, I didn’t contemplate writing it until my husband introduced me to a story from a WWII history book that spoke to me and demanded a retelling. That true story—it took up about a page and a half in his history book—became my debut novel, The Plum Blooms in Winter.

What made you step back from your corporate career to pursue that passion?

I suppose you could call it a mid-life crisis! Or you could also say I imagined a lifestyle where I would spend my days pursuing God and seeking His call on my life, rather than at the beck and call of a corporate chain of command. That was a bit naïve, of course! The struggle is to keep writing from turning into its own taskmaster—an end in itself that pulls away from, rather than toward, God. Maybe that struggle is present in anything you do.

During your career with global technology companies, you traveled a lot and met a great variety of people. Do you feel like those experiences have made you a better writer? How so? 

I feel like they made me a better person—more appreciative and understanding of people’s diversity. I’m not sure they made me a better writer, per se. But they did give me a broader palette to write from. 
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness….”
- Mark Twain

Of all the travels you have experienced- both business and personal travels- is there any one place/culture that sticks out that you hope to incorporate into a future story? 

Israel was life-changing for me. Those moments when we knew we were walking where Jesus walked were just a sublime experience. It’s also fascinating to see a land where Bible prophecies have played out—and are playing out now as we speak—so directly and specifically. I think my next series will be based there. 

Can you tell us a little bit about The Mulberry Leaf Whispers

In my debut novel, The Plum Blooms in Winter, one key character goes dark for a number of years. His “lost years” were crying to be explored, weren’t they? Also, I confess I was itching to try a “split time” or “time slip” novel. The challenge of writing two stories, each compelling in their own right, that ultimately knit together in a way that makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts was something I felt eager to try my hand at. What’s more, what history lover can resist the invitation to explore two fascinating eras of history? 

So The Mulberry Leaf Whispers builds on the WWII timeline and characters from my first book, but also introduces a new timeline in fascinating samurai-era Japan. Matsuura Sono is a historical person, a young woman bartered off in a peace agreement to the ancient enemies of her illustrious Kirishitan house. Does that make her a war prize, a hostage, or a bride? One hope sustains her. If she can provide an heir to the dashing husband she just met, she'll ensure decades of peace for the beloved family she was forced to leave behind. But when a dark secret threatens her desperate bid to purchase their security, she must rise to a battle she never dreamed she'd fight.

The WWII and samurai timelines in the novel are separated by about 350 years. Still, some key themes unite them, including a timeless question. Which lives have value?

What do you hope readers will take away from the book? 

My goal is always to portray a BIG God, at work in a BIG way, seeking and saving and redeeming even through the darkest circumstances imaginable. I want my readers to come away heartened that no matter how dark the times, evil doesn’t win. And that’s why I like to write from life. Because I think it’s even more encouraging when readers know the stories showcase real people with real faith confronting real struggles—and real outcomes.

Thank you again for taking the time to answer these questions. Before you go, are there any other projects you are currently working on that you can share?

Not right now! I’m fleshing out a few ideas and waiting on the Lord for guidance.

(1) winner will receive a copy of the soon-to-be-released audiobook for Linda’s award-winning debut novel, The Plum Blooms in Winter, her latest release, The Mulberry Leaf Whispers, in winner's choice of Kindle or paperback format, plus a $10 Amazon gift card!

The Mulberry Leaf Whispers JustRead Giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. Giveaway began at midnight January 4, 2021 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on January 11, 2021. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to the policies found here.


Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

*NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.


  1. This book sounds so good. Thanks for sharing about it and the author.

  2. Interesting book.

  3. Thank you for sharing! - JustRead Tours

  4. This sounds like a Great read and the book cover is Beautiful.

  5. Linda Thompson’s books sound awesome! I love historical stories!

  6. Excited to read this one. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Randi, I'd just like to let you know how much I appreciated your thoughtful questions. This interview was a joy! Thanks so much for all you do to promote quality Christian fiction!

  8. I enjoyed getting to know the author!

  9. Sounds like an interesting book.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24