Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Planning for Your Next Vacation


Last year was rough and even though the new year has dawned, the world is still facing the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although some vaccinations have been approved and given a bit more hope that the end of the restrictions is not too far off, for now, people are still having to social distance, wear face masks and stay at home as much as possible. With all of this going on a vacation might be the last thing on your mind, but thinking ahead to when you’re able to travel again without so much concern could be a great way to boost your mood by giving you something to look forward to. So, here’s to looking to the future and some tips for planning your next getaway.


Many, many beautiful places in the world are worth seeing at least once in your lifetime, but the reality is that some of these destinations can be expensive to travel to. Even though you deserve a treat after surviving a pandemic, make sure you’re not returning broke from your vacation. If you want to splurge on your next vacation and consider it to be more of a celebration, look around for some good deals before you book anything.

Family Gathering

Another thing you might be desperate to do once the world comes out the other side of this pandemic is getting the family together for a reunion. Going on a big group vacation could be a great way to do this and will allow everyone to have a change of scene from their homes. Again, make sure you’re thinking about everyone’s budget so no one feels left out or has money worries. You could all chip in to rent out a nice house by a lake, a property in the mountains, or a gorgeous beach house to soak up some sun together.

New Wardrobe

One of the best things about going on vacation is that it can be a great excuse for a bit of retail therapy. Going somewhere sunny? Why not treat yourself to one or two new pairs of sunglasses? You can buy gorgeous pairs from sites like at a great price. If you’re going somewhere cooler like a skiing vacation, cute knitwear and a brand-new coat would be the perfect attire for your alpine adventures.


If you’re going to keep your vacation low-key and just go with your partner, the kids, or even just a few friends, think about choosing a destination that has something for everybody. Beach holidays are traditionally more relaxing, but make sure you find a spot that can offer activities like scuba diving, surfing lessons, or other activities that the kids can enjoy or you can try in case you get bored of lounging on the beach. If your heart is set on a city trip, ask each person going on vacation to name at least one tourist attraction that they would like to see so you can make sure you fit them all in.

It might feel as though the opportunity for a decent vacation is a long way off, but take the opportunity to plan ahead and before you know it, you will be booking flights to your dream destination.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24