Friday, December 11, 2020

My Experience Taking the Guesswork Out of Supplement Shopping with Persona Nutrition {A #MomsMeet Review + Discount} @personanutrition #PersonaPack

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

Recently, I decided it was time to really up my family's vitamin routine. 2020 has been a rough year on us all, and I knew that keeping healthy needed to take priority. Vitamins and supplements are a great way to do that. 

And so I made a trip to my local grocery store supplement aisle to find the perfect vitamins. 

What could be so difficult about that... right?


Have you taken a look at the vitamin aisle recently? Talk about overwhelming! There are so many to choose from, with so many benefits and ingredients. I had no idea where to begin or what my needs even were. How could I possibly make the right choice on my own? There had to be an easier way.

When I learned about Persona, it seemed to be just the solution I was looking for. As such, I was thrilled to have the chance to try it out for myself. 

When I went onto the Persona website, I was not bombarded with a million different choices to add to cart with no knowledge of what they were or how they would me. Instead I was asked to fill out a brief questionnaire asking a variety of questions about my health needs such as: do you have troubles with sleep? do you experience joint pain? do you want to lose weight? and so on. This gives them a better picture of your overall health concerns and what you are looking to improve upon rather than just offering up some generic supplement routine that has you paying for things you don't even need. The budget shopper in my loved that. 

Perhaps my favorite aspect of the questionnaire was that they also ask for a list of all of the medications you are taking. For someone like myself who is being treated for several conditions and has a longer list of daily medications, this is a huge deal. We don't often think about contraindications with our supplements, but in reality we should be doing so as they can cause adverse reactions OR hinder the effectiveness. For example, I put down that I have issues with falling and staying asleep and I would assume this would mean that melatonin might typically be recommended. However, I am also on about 3 other medications that have a potential side effect of drowsiness. While I couldn't say for sure, I suspect perhaps this is part of the reasoning. Regardless, I feel much more comfortable taking their recommendations for me knowing that they analyze over 2,500 prescriptions to ensure that there are no interactions before suggesting supplements. 

Once the questionnaire is done, they use all the information provided to create a unique doctor recommended supplement recommendations just for you and your needs. Persona offers 85+ high-quality supplements including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, and other botanicals so they are certain to have a good variety for you. Along with these recommendations, they also offer a few extra supplements you might consider adding on as well. Along with the recommendations, they make clear WHY these particular supplements were offered to you and how they might help. If there is a supplement recommended that you don't want to use (perhaps something you've had a bad reaction to in the past or in an effort to budget), you can simply remove these before placing your order. 

After the order has been placed, they will arrive at your door in super convenient daily packs separating into day and night servings to better help you remember to take them. I must admit, I can be bad about remembering to take supplements, so that is definitely a bonus. I also have MANY medicine bottles in my home due to my prescriptions, so these packs are super convenient and take up less room. They also have my name on them, so that if we were to subscribe for multiple family members, there is no mixing them up. Truly, they just take all of the guesswork out of supplements--- everything from what I might need to when to take it! And as your health changes, Persona’s expert nutritionists will help you reach your wellness goals and answer any questions you have. Even better, their supplements are all produced in FDA certified facilities with certificates of verified ingredients so you know you are getting quality products. 

Persona is a personalized, high-quality supplement subscription service. As such, when you place your initial order, you will be signing up for a reoccurring delivery every 28 days. If however you try it for a month and realize it's not for you, you can cancel at any time. Likewise, you can add or remove items from your delivery if you find that a particular supplement isn't for you. I'll be honest though, after trying Persona, I cannot imagine shopping for my supplements the old fashioned way. They truly simplified the whole process and created a product that I am comfortable using, with no headaches and hassle involved. That is certainly something we can ALL use a little more of this year- simplicity! 

Ready to experience Persona for yourself? Persona is available to purchase on their website. Right now you can save 30% off for two months with this exclusive offer only found here:

You can learn more and connect at the links below: 


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