Tuesday, July 21, 2020

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy This Summer

The summer months can be a fun time for dogs, especially if you live somewhere, that tends to get snow in the winter. Summer equals more time outdoors for dogs who live in these climates, so as an owner, you’ll want to make their time in this season as enjoyable as possible.

Below are 6 ways to keep your dog happy long into the summer months.

1. Keep Them Cool and Hydrated

Keeping your dog cool and hydrated is of the utmost importance in the summer, especially if the temperatures are high. Because dogs have difficulty regulating their body temperature, always have water available for them to drink no matter where you go. Hanging out near a water source like a river, swimming pool or lake is also a good idea as your dog can cool off whenever they please. Also, it’s a good idea to walk your dog in the morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler.

2. Create an Outdoor Play Space in Your Yard

Another way to keep your dog entertained this summer is to create an outdoor space for them in your yard. SYNLawn in Texas carries a wide selection of artificial grass for dogs which is great for several reasons. Not only does it keep your dog’s paws clean, but it’s easier for waste clean-up and never looks unsightly like real grass which can get dry or patchy during the heat.

3. Play Games

Dogs are natural hunters, so a game like hide and seek or treasure hunt may work well with your canine friend. If you’ve decided to stay cool indoors for a while, why not try these old-fashioned games? When it comes to a game of hide and seek if your dog hasn’t been trained to sit and stay, ask a friend or family member to distract them while you hide. With a treasure hunt, the same distraction rules apply. Ask them to sit or get someone to distract them while you hide one of their favorite treats.

4. Take Them to the Dog Park  
If you’re not already accustomed to doing this, dog parks are a great way to socialize a dog and keep them entertained. During the summer months especially, your dog will want to spend as much time outside as possible, so why not make the park a regular thing? Even if your town or city doesn’t have a designated dog area, any green space or park will do.

5. Buy a Kiddie/Wading Pool

For those without access to a regular water source, filling up a giant wading pool in your backyard or garden is a great way to keep them refreshed. To encourage them into the water, you could also throw a ball or toy so that they get used to going in and out.

6. Bring them to Barbecues and Picnics

It can be tempting to leave your pet at home when you’re out socializing with friends. But summer barbecues and picnics are an opportune time to have fun while spending time with your pooch. Train them to behave while people are eating, and get others involved by throwing toys or frisbees in the outdoor space. Just be sure to exercise caution and make sure your dog is safe from any foods or plants that may be poisonous.

Your dog is a member of the family and should be treated as such. Ensure your dog stays happy and entertained this summer with the above-mentioned ideas.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24