Monday, June 22, 2020

7 Tips for Coping With Grief

There are five key stages of grief: first comes the denial, and then the anger. After, you will find yourself facing the bargaining stage, followed by depression, and, eventually, acceptance. This can happen over any length of time, as everyone copes with grief differently. However, there are different ways you can cope with these stages and your grief overall.

1.   Don’t Try to Hide Your Feelings
Coping with grief isn’t about trying to pretend that you’re not grieving. Grief is a difficult experience to go through, which means trying to hide it is going to make it significantly more difficult to cope with.

It’s okay to be honest with how you are feeling and tell people that you are not all right. Be honest with others, such as your place of work, friends, and family, if you are not feeling your best, and you need some time away from your usual routine to cope.

2.   Talk to Someone
If you’re going through grief with loved ones, then you will be able to lean on each other for support. It’s important to talk through your grief with those who are experiencing the same, as it will help you to build a circle of support and trust.

If you are grieving alone, then you can always seek support from professional services or community groups. There could be an online grief forum or a local group which you can speak with about your grief.

Or, you can speak to your doctor or a professional whom you trust to help you with your feelings.

3.   Keep Yourself Busy
It can be extremely difficult to find the energy to do anything when you’re grieving. However, sitting doing nothing and thinking about your grief is going to be no help. Trying to get back to normality as soon as possible will be more helpful for you.

You should try to keep your mind active and yourself as busy as possible so that hopefully you can find some distraction, even if it’s only for a small part of the day.

4.   Find Funeral Directors You Can Depend On
Organizing a funeral is going to be a very trying time, so it’s important to find a funeral director you feel supported by. All funeral directors, like the funeral directors in London, Exit Here, are going to have experience working in a supportive way. Who you turn to should be someone that you trust and feel the most connected and comfortable with. Their professionalism and support during this time will be a huge help during the funeral planning stage.

5.   Know That There Is No Right or Wrong
There is no set way to deal with your own grief. There are the acknowledged stages of grief which most people go through, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to ever feel (or cope in) a certain way. Show and deal with your grief how you want to.

6.   Consider Therapy
Professional therapy where you can talk through your problems and learn the best techniques to handle your grief can be a big help. It can also provide a safe place to talk openly about how you are feeling with a neutral individual.

7.   Take Time For Yourself
Grief is draining and exhausting. You should never feel guilty about taking time away from others for yourself. While a support system is important, time alone is also important, too, for your own wellbeing and self-care.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24