Friday, May 22, 2020

Continuing Your Teacher Education with Graduate School

Training to become a teacher is an ongoing process, one that’s indicative of the demanding nature of the role.

Many teachers choose to continue their learning and improve their skills by attending graduate school. Each state has a different set of requirements when it comes to how much post-qualification learning must be undertaken, and further information can be obtained from various schools or universities, as well as from the education department of the state.

In recent years, there has been an explosion of course providers offering online courses, which makes for a more convenient option when your time is split between working and studying.

Studying for a Master’s
Certain states may ask that you work towards a master’s degree. You can easily find out what the teacher certification requirements are for your state.

Once you have completed your permanent certificate, as it’s known, you have a number of doors open to you, career-wise. 

Features to look for in a Graduate Teacher Education Program
Graduate Teacher Education Programs are not thin on the ground, and it is worthwhile to take the time to find one that fully suits your needs and requirements.

Establish whether your chosen education program provides help with preparation for the appropriate certification for your state.

Consider: is the support personalized? Are the prices affordable? How will you be taught? Will there be one-on-one contact time?

Programs do differ between different course providers, of course. However, generally speaking, you can expect the teacher education program to prepare you to teach in a variety of venues, including urban, middle, and high schools.
You will gain valuable hands-on experience with the students, and this will be related back to any course work. It is expected that all providers will explore issues related to diversity, student learning, conflict resolution, classroom management, and reflection. You will, however, be in a position to obtain further details from the institution of your choosing and receive program-specific details.

A master’s in education is a stepping stone to a successful career
If on completion of your master’s degree, you find that that you want to remain in education, but the classroom environment is not for you, there will still be a number of exciting options open to you. A master’s in education can help you become a better teacher by introducing new skills to your arsenal, while also honing old ones.

It may be that a leadership position is better suited to your skillset and personal aspirations. If this is the case, a master's in education will stand you in good stead to become a School Principal or School District Administrator.  
Either of these roles would present an opportunity for a passionate teacher to make an impact if he or she desired.
Other roles would also remain open with a master’s degree; these include:
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)
Special Education Teacher
Departments such as special education and TESOL are changing from year to year, so continued education is particularly important in these fields.



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