Thursday, April 16, 2020

What to Do if You Face Financial Hardship

Facing financial hardship has got to be tough on any family. Whether it’s in your control, like an investment falling through, or whether it’s out of your control, like losing jobs due to this pandemic as so many people are.

Money worries happen to everyone, but it can be even more devastating if you are the main earner in your family, or even if your family partly relies on you for financial decisions.

Here are some tips for facing financial hardship head-on.

Tip 1: Take stock

The most important thing you can do is breathe and remain calm. Spending a little time in quiet contemplation or prayer can make a big difference in how we think about the situation we’re in.

Do not make any rash decisions, deciding to sell the house, or car can be a huge decision that will make you worse off in the longer term. Think about what you need, what you can do without, and how you can go forward. Make a plan of action for the following day, the next week, the next month, the next six months, and even the year if you have to.

Tip 2: Free up cash

We might not realize it, but there are things we own that will be worth money. If you’re a car owner, a logbook loan means you can keep your car and have the money it’s worth, companies like are fast and effective and have you back on your feet in no time.

Other ways to free up cash might include selling possessions online, or on social media, hosting a yard sale, or checking back on any credit you’re owed, or any savings accounts you may have forgotten about.

Tip 3: Plan and budget

If you know you’re going to be facing a financial shortfall for a while, it’s essential to plan and budget for it. If you’ll be going down to one income due to a scheduled gap in working (whether through illness, injury, or maybe even pregnancy), now is the time to plan.

Think about making meal plans and learning how to cook from scratch, this alone can save thousands on expensive take out and restaurants. Start taking packed lunches, and walk instead of driving when you can. It is great for your budget, and great for your waistline!

Tip 4: Reach Out to Loved ones

We must have loved ones to lean on in times of trouble. You may not want to ask them for money, and that’s fair enough, but letting them know you’re struggling will allow them to help in any way they can.

Perhaps a loved one can watch the kids so you can do a few extra hours at work, or maybe you go to grandma’s for dinner after church on Sundays, so there is one less meal to cook. It is the little things that make a difference, and our loved ones will always try to help.


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