**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Life is an incredible journey with ups and downs. We soar, struggle, scale and stumble, and often stand at the edge of cliffs, afraid to step into the unknown, unsure of where we will land. But instead of running away, we are called by God to stand firm, muster up what faith we can, and take a step. Because we were made to move mountains.
In this inspiring book, Kristen Welch calls you to step out in faith and climb the mountain in front of you--not because you are good enough or adequate or able, but because God makes a way where there is no way. With heartbreaking and hopeful personal stories, Scripture, and questions for contemplation, she draws you out of fear and into a holy confidence, showing you that the mountain in your path was put there on purpose, so that you could exercise--and grow--your faith.
Kristen Welch was born and raised in Texas. Her parenting blog, We Are THAT Family (www.wearethatfamily.com), receives more than 40,000 unique visits every month with more than 200,000 page views, and she has an active following on social media. Kristen has a regular column in ParentLife magazine and is the author of Rhinestone Jesus, Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, and Raising World Changers in a Changing World. She is the founder of Mercy House Global and facilitates Fair Trade Friday, a monthly subscription club that empowers impoverished women in 25 countries. Welch lives with her family in Texas.
What is your mountain? Let's be honest, we all have them. Whether it is a dream we hope to accomplish or an obstacle that we have to get over... life is made up of series of mountains that we have to overcome. If you are currently facing your own mountain- no matter how big or how small- Kristen Welch's new book is one you'll want to check out.
I love that this book is written not by someone who has it all figured out, but by someone who is right there with us making the same climb. Rather than feeling as though we are being preached to, we truly do feel like we're going on a journey together. I don''t know about you, but I feel like I more readily respond to messages written as such. It features a good mix of personal stories with biblical references, as well as words of wisdom from other Christian writers. At the end of each chapter, you will find the 'Mountaintop Moment'... questions that will allow us to dig deeper into our own dreams and obstacles and better apply what we've read to our lives. There is also one full journal page to jot down those thoughts as well. This is a really nice addition, though you might find if you tend to get a little wordy like myself, it won't be quite enough space... still, a great start and a great feature anyway.
If you are facing mountains that seem too big to move, this book can serve as a great reminder that while they may be too big on your own--- God can move any mountain.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24