Saturday, March 21, 2020

Fight Your Fears: Trusting God's Character and Promises When You Are Afraid by Kristen Wetherell

** I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

What are you afraid of?

You could probably fill this page with a list of your fears. Fears about the future; fears about your health, job, and family; fears about inadequacy and failure (and maybe success); fears about how much fear itself seems to affect your decisions, plans, and growth in this life.

You might even fear what God thinks about your fears. After all, in his Word God commands us not to be afraid hundreds of times. But how is this possible? We're troubled by evil, we're slammed with bad news, and we can't know what tomorrow will bring. How can we learn to trust God and not be afraid?

Kristen Wetherell is in the fight with you. She is a fearful fellow traveler on the road of the Christian life, making strides alongside you in this battle. In Fight Your Fears she carefully searches 10 of God's great and precious promises, equipping you with the practical tools to overcome the fears and anxious thoughts that are robbing you of your joy. Each chapter ends with Scripture exercises, a memory verse, questions to ponder, and a prayer.

Discover truths that will bring peace to your soul as you learn to fear God and nothing else.

 Kristen Wetherell is a wife, mother, and writer. She is the co-author of the award-winning book Hope When It Hurts: Biblical Reflections to Help You Grasp God's Purpose in Your Suffering. She has contributed to several compilation books and writes regularly for the Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, and Revive Our Hearts. She and her husband, Brad, live with their daughter in the Chicago suburbs. Follow Kristen at her website,

Do you struggle with fears? My guess is--- if you're taking the time to read this review, chances are you do. And you're not alone, so many of us do-myself included. And so when I saw this Christian book titled Fight Your Fears, I knew I needed to check it out.

The first thing that struck me about this book was right in the introduction. The author admitted that she was not coming at this from a place of having already had it all figured out, but rather as a fellow Christian fighting just the same as we are. Right away, that was a positive for me. I've said many times that I much prefer books in which the author is upfront about their struggles, so I appreciate that she laid that out there right from the very start.

The next thing that struck me was the beauty of the book. Of course, you can see that the cover features a bright and beautiful blue watercolor design... the inside carries on that same look. Not on every page, mind you... but the start of each chapter and the occasional verse throughout certainly added to the visual appeal. While that certainly is not required, and doesn't make a book any better or worse, being a visual person, I do admit that it helps me to want to reach for a book again.

And this is one that I will certainly be doing. It takes a deep look at the fears we have and the promises God has made, providing a resource to help us learn to overcome some of those fears. When I say that this is packed full of scriptural references, I absolutely mean packed. I love all the verses throughout. Each chapter ends with a section to: ponder, preserve, prepare and pray. Ponder offers a memory verse. Preserve offers a chance to reflect. Prepare gives us something to consider for the future. And pray offers a brief prayer based upon the chapter we've just read.

One of my favorite things about this book was the memory cards at the end. They can be cut out and are the perfect size to keep with us no matter where we go... perfect to grab in the moments of fear!

Overall, this was a good read that I'm sure many will benefit from. If you're looking for biblical insight on overcoming fear, this is one to check out.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24