Wednesday, March 18, 2020

5 Ways to Stay Healthy and Safe While Traveling

While traveling is, of course, the perfect opportunity for happiness, adventure, and more positive wellbeing, it’s also important to remember to take the appropriate steps to care for your health and safety while trekking around the globe. It’s easy to let basic health practices slip when you’re distracted by travel, so the following 5 points can help you to refocus.

1.   Stay Hydrated
It’s simple to neglect healthy food and drink routine when traveling, especially if you have a busy itinerary seeing you move quickly from place to place. However, taking the right steps to stay hydrated is key, not only for your health but for your safety too. Fainting and dizzy spells are more likely in hot weather if you are severely dehydrated, and you don’t want to risk being physically vulnerable in an unknown place.
2.   Get Your Rest
Even without severe jet lag, traveling can see your mind and body very exhausted. You must get enough sleep during your travels to make sure you can remain healthy and energized. If jet lag also needs to be taken into consideration, make sure that you plan for an extra day where you can catch up on sleep once arriving at your destination rather than rushing out to begin your adventure.
3.   Pack First Aid Equipment
Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. At home, you might take for granted the easy access you have to first aid equipment or assistance you can call upon in a problem situation. However, traveling abroad - especially if you are planning big trips such as hiking or exploring off the beaten track - means that you may find yourself in the middle of nowhere when you need first aid assistance.

Packing a basic first aid bag and carrying it with you is essential to maintaining your party’s safety. This can include:
  • Bandages
  • Band-aids
  • PPE kits for issues with bleeding or vomiting
  • A safety torch
  • Safety pins
  • Tweezers
  • Ointment
4.   Take a Break from Technology
Travel should be the perfect opportunity to break away from the pressures of social media and your everyday routine and be fully in the moment. Unfortunately, the beauty and scenery of that you experience while travelling mean that a smart device is often what most people are reaching for to share their journey.

Nevertheless, distancing yourself from social media can be very beneficial for your travel wellbeing. It allows you to experience your surroundings in a more balanced way.
Not to mention that keeping your smartphone and valuables out of sight means you’re less likely to be targeted for pickpocketing, or risk tripping, slipping or falling if you’re distracted by the phone in your hand!

5.   Plan Ahead
While travel is supposed to be relaxing, stress levels can quickly become high if you fail to plan. Cancellations, missed transport, or complex itineraries may mean that you feel extremely worked up. To ensure that your mind and body is as calm and stress-free as possible, plan ahead as much as you are able for your daily living during your travels.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24