Wednesday, February 12, 2020

3 Ways to Create Long Lasting Family Memories

Making memories is so important as a family, as it is these times that you will want and need to look back on when you are experiencing moments of stress, heartache or loss.

A memory can not only help you look back and share the past with others, but it can also change how you perceive the world around you and how you grow as a person and as a family together.

Therefore, you should always be looking at ways to create family memories that will stand the test of time. That being said, it is all too easy to allow day to day life to get in the way and stop you from taking the time to make these all-important memories.

Thankfully, there are several simple and effective ways that you can create long-lasting family memories, from investing in a family photo shoot, to marking special occasions, to booking a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Keep reading to discover the top three ways that you can start making memories today that you will treasure tomorrow.

Start a family tradition

Families up and down the country have their own set of traditions, whether that be surrounding specific holidays, like Christmas or Thanksgiving, or even weekly rituals that you partake in like all sitting down together to eat on a Friday evening with no technological devices in sight.

Traditions are a key component in strengthening family bonds as they are something that is unique and special to your family and your family alone.
Family traditions you may want to try including:
  • Making pancakes on a Saturday morning 
  • Creating an annual family time capsule that you bury in the garden
  • Having a secret greeting handshake or code to enter the home
  • Regular family meetings

Book a family photoshoot

With nearly everyone owning a smartphone nowadays, you will no doubt be taking your own family photos, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also invest in a professional photoshoot every once in a while. A professional Chicago photographer is a great idea for special occasions or even just once a year to capture your entire family together.

The advantages of a professional family photographer include:
  • They can get the best out of your children
  • They will use the ideal lighting
  • They will choose the perfect location
  • They have years of experience in family photography
  • All members of the family can be captured

Book a special trip

If you regularly go abroad or even just travel around the United States as a family, then you may think you are already doing enough to create long-lasting memories. However, when you choose your vacation destination, do you involve the whole family in the decision-making process?

Probably not. You most likely decide where and when you will be going yourself or with your partner. However, it can be a good idea to start planning an extra special family trip that everyone has an input in. It doesn’t matter if it is a long way in the future, it doesn’t matter if it is only for a few days and it doesn’t have to cost the Earth. The key is in ensuring that you plan it together and make sure that everyone feels involved.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24