Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Four Times You Should See a Mental Health Expert

Nowadays, we are more aware than ever when it comes to recognizing the signs of mental health issues, with many of us now seeking support when we may not have done in the past. However, there are still some people who are perhaps unaware of some of the symptoms associated with poor mental health. It might be that you’ve been living with certain feelings for a while now, or something has happened to you, and you don’t know how to cope with it. There are several different reasons why you, or someone close to you, may consider going to a mental health expert, and these are just some of the circumstances where you could benefit.

You Don’t Feel Yourself
An uncontrollable sadness, anger, or hopelessness may be signs of a mental health issue, which can be improved with treatment. If you find that you’re sleeping or eating more or less than you normally would, or you’re withdrawing from your friends and family, or you just feel ‘off,’ make sure you talk to someone before serious problems develop that can affect your quality of life. If your feelings escalate and you question whether life is worth living, or you have thoughts of death or suicide, you should reach out for help straight away.

You Have Extreme Emotional Mood Swings
Emotional highs and lows are normal, which can fluctuate because of numerous factors. Yet someone dealing with mental illness may find that they experience a manic high followed by a deep depression that robs their desire to do anything, which can happen over days or even hours. You may wish to speak to a mental health expert if you notice your emotions are reacting in a similarly extreme way, which could indicate that something more is going on.

You’ve Experienced Loss or Trauma
Grief can be a long, difficult process without any support and, while not everyone wants counseling during such times, there’s no shame in needing help. Everyone experiences grief, whether you’ve lost a loved one, are going through a break-up or lost your job, and grief is especially overwhelming if you’ve experienced several losses in a short period of time.

If you’ve experienced abuse or neglect or another trauma you’ve not fully dealt with, then the sooner you speak to someone, the faster you’ll learn healthy ways to cope. Circumstances can also include finding yourself a victim of a crime or an accident or suffering from a chronic illness.

Your Ability to Handle Responsibility Changes
Even the most organized, efficient person will have days when things don’t go well - but ongoing changes in someone’s ability to handle their daily responsibilities can be a sign of something deeper. Someone with a mental health issue might lose track of time, lack energy or focus, or doesn’t have the drive to complete even mundane tasks. If these changes are frequent or sustained, then it could be that they’re a small part of a larger problem - so don’t let these go unchecked.


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