Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Make Your Wedding Memorable

You are going to remember your wedding day until the day you die; there’s no denying that. The same, however, cannot be said for your guests. What with the number of weddings that they are going to attend throughout the course of their lives, there’s no guarantee that your big day is going to stick in their memories for years to come.

If your wedding is to stand a chance of being remembered by your guests, you have to go out of your way to ensure that it is memorable. Here’s how this can be achieved:

Choose a unique venue

Getting married in a unique venue will be sure to help your guests differentiate your wedding from the others that they attend. Don’t follow the pack and go for a traditional church setting. Instead, break the mold and opt to host your nuptials in a venue that is wholly unique.

Fortunately, thanks to companies such as Hawkesyard Estate, the number of different wedding venues Stafford has available leaves you with a plethora of options to choose from. You could opt to get married in a beautifully landscaped garden, or you could choose to perform your ceremony in a Grade II listed building that is steeped in history. Whatever specific venue you opt for in this instance, it will be sure to make more of an impact on your guests than a standard one would.

Arrive in style

Something else that you can do to give your guests something to remember about your wedding is to arrive at your ceremony in style.

Here are a few ways you can show up to your wedding in a truly unique fashion:

   Be chauffeured in a vintage car
   Ride in on horseback
   Involve your bridesmaids and/or groomsmen and have them perform a dance routine
   Play music that actually means something to you and your partner

The image of your turning up in a vintage car or riding into your ceremony atop of a horse will be sure to live in your guests’ memories for years to come.

Include your guests

Including your guests in your wedding ceremony is another great way to make the whole event far more memorable. No matter how big your guest list may be, there are always to include your guests and make them feel like they are truly involved in your big day.

A few things that you can to include and involve your guests include:

   Leading them in a musical procession.
   Assigning each guest a special role, such as officiating the service, performing a specific song, or reading a certain passage (this is better suited to smaller guest lists).
   Involving everybody in a unity candle ceremony.
   Having each guest handle a wedding stone that you then make a feature out of in your home.

If you want your wedding day to be talked about for years to come, you need to find a way to make it as memorable as it can be. By putting the above advice into practice, rest assured, you’ll be sure to do just that.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24