Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Beginners Guide to Reusing and Recycling in the Home

We all want a healthy planet for our children to grow old on. For this to happen, we need to make some changes, and this can start at home. If you haven’t done a lot of re-using or recycling in your time but you are ready to begin, here are a few simple ways that you can reduce waste and reuse items that would once be thrown away.  

Food Waste

We waste so much food every day, whether this be letting it go off or throwing away food scraps that could be reused. You can purchase food waste bags that are biodegradable, meaning you can fill these up and use them as compost for your garden, your neighbour’s allotment or your house plants. Never underestimate the power of food scraps on your favourite plants. You can also use coffee grounds to give a new lease of life to your roses. Meat bones make a great winter broth, simply save them in a freezer bag for later use.

Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are one of the biggest problems at the moment, hence the need for the charge on plastic bags in supermarkets. If you aren’t already; start re-using them each time you go shopping. If you are terrible at remembering to take bags, make sure to always have a stash in your boot! Plastic bags have tons of other uses too, from using them as protection when packing or sending a parcel, donating them to small businesses such as charity shops to use for their own customers or to protect your mirrors and windscreen wipers in the freezing weather. There are many companies making waves with their ways to end single-use plastics, check out these Top plastic alternatives.

Use Recycling Bins

If you don’t already have separate recycling bins, its easy to purchase bins from your local store and label them. Usually, plastic, cans, and glass are recycled together alongside cardboard and paper in another. Check for local recycling bins near you to ensure you recycle only what they can take. Be sure to clean any glass jars before recycling them. Recycle clothes in clothing bins or at charity shops and if you have some old furniture that you no longer need, use the Facebook marketplace or Gumtree to get rid. Even broken beds and used mattresses can be cleaned and re-used for those who cannot afford new. Never throw anything away before seeing if somebody else can use it, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. If you have kids, check out these great craft ideas from waste products.  

Choose Eco-Friendly Products

Wherever you can, choose eco-friendly products. You can purchase eco-friendly cleaning products that are less harmful to the environment, soap without the plastic carton, bamboo toothbrushes and reusable straws to name just a few. By choosing these items in the supermarket you are making a better choice for your planet and are helping reduce waste. Choosing these products and helping your children respect the environment means they will grow up to do the same.

Being eco-friendly is all about making small changes to reduce waste. If we all followed the tips above, we could begin to reduce waste massively. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24