Thursday, September 19, 2019

100 Days of Grace and Gratitude: Days 78-85

Day 78: Pure & Holy Love

Oh, what a pure love God had for us that He would offer His son and His grace to sinners like us. I wanted this page to reflect that purity and something about this image said that to me... innocence and peace. The soft colors again kept with that idea of purity.

Day 79: The Offering of Prayer

Prayer is such an important part of our lives as Christians, so I always enjoy getting to do some journaling on the topic. For this page, I decided to go with a black, red and white look... with space to write in my own prayer requests. It is a simple page, but one I really like. One of my favorite parts is the layering of tabs--- giving the page a lot more visual interest in such a simple way.

Day 80: From One Parent To Another

"From one parent to another, He has you in His arms to hold you up and see you through." Parenting is hard and can at times be rather overwhelming. I loved this reminder that even on the craziest days of motherhood, we are not alone in it. I wanted this page to reflect that... a reminder to trust God during this phase of our lives.

Day 81: The Final Say

Though we like to think we have control over our lives, the reality is at the end of the day, it is His will not our own that matters. When I think about this, I cannot help but think of those simple words from The Lord's Prayers: Thy Will Be Done. I kept this page quite simple, letting those words really be the focus.

Day 82: Approaching God's Throne

Have you ever looked into the protocol for meeting royalty? I can't say that I've researched it full, but I have heard things here and there about the formalities that go into it, and it's pretty intimidating. Imagine then how incredible it is that we can approach the King of Kings, the highest power openly and boldly. Amazing, isn't it? I wanted this page to reflect that. I used bold lettering to really get that message across. I chose purple as I've always heard it's a color associated with royalty. Royalty also tends to signify wealth so I new the gold would really help bring that message to life too. This is perhaps my favorite page from the week.

Day 83: Thanksgiving Day

While it may not be Thanksgiving yet, shouldn't every day be a day of giving thanks? I think so. Still, I couldn't resist getting into the fall spirit with this page. I left plenty of space here to journal what I am thankful for, while creating a fun fall look around that space.

Day 84: Be Kind

Be kind. It's such a simple message, but one that we so much need in our world today. Kindness makes such a difference. I again kept this page fairly simple- using the Beloved Sociaty collection to create a fun honeycomb background and a layering of stickers.

Day 85: Not Looking For Perfect

To be honest, I'm a perfectionist by nature so this is a reminder that I need often. When we feel like we are not good enough and aren't living up to the idea of a Christian we have in our minds we must remember that these are OUR expectations, not His. He isn't looking for us to be perfect, but rather to turn to Him in our imperfections. Oh what a beautiful thing that is.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24