Monday, August 5, 2019

Style Ideas for Hotel Reception Areas

Whether it is a large hotel, or a small family run accommodation business, how you welcome guests creates an impression that lasts. Often, the first thing that people see when they walk through your door creates the image of your business that sticks; that is why it is crucial to create a welcoming and smart-looking reception area. If you are looking for ideas on how to style a reception area, this guide gives you some must-know tips.

Enlisting Help

Most importantly, your reception area should be a welcoming space for guests and visitors, yet it should also be styled to reflect your brand. For example, does your hotel have period character, minimalist styling, or full opulence? Your reception space should tie in with the rest of your business décor, giving consistency throughout. Enlisting the help of professional interior design services can truly make a difference to the look of your reception area.

Reception Desk

A reception desk can be in many shapes, styles, and colors. A curved desk adds a sense of movement, especially in a typical rectangle-shaped room, whereas a long desk with built-in storage may be better if you struggle with space.


Artwork is also an interesting feature to show in a hotel reception area. It can be challenging to choose art, but one essential tip is to choose something that fits the space well. If you have a large wall, then a large painting will work. If you have high ceilings, you might like to consider a sculpture or a hanging light that is also a work of art. Inspirational quotes or phrases in large stenciling can allow your brand to show its character and is something that is immediately seen in a reception area.


Plants are an excellent way to welcome guests, as they add a calming atmosphere to any room and freshen and purify the air. Choose plants that add interest, such as shaped leaves or a structure that enhances the interior design. For example, potted palm trees look great if you have high ceilings, or you might like to train climbing plants to grow around columns.

Indoor Water Feature

Indoor water features add a wow factor to any hotel reception area, and no matter what size or shape space you have, there is a water feature that will work. From small fountains that gently trickle over pebbles, to sleek, shimmering walls of water, adding a water feature brings a relaxing feel to a reception area.

Final Thoughts

While having amazing features in a hotel reception is something that is going to get noticed, the most important thing is to create an atmosphere where guests feel at home. A well-lit, tidy, and clean entrance is a good place to start, and depending on the size of the space, you can add furnishings and decorative items that fit with the style of your hotel. First impressions count, so get it right as soon as guests walk through the door and you are more likely to get repeat bookings.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24