Friday, August 16, 2019

How to Get Your House Ready for Winter

Winter can be a fairly unforgiving time of year for those who fail to adequately prepare their house for the arrival of the inclement weather. As the days begin to get shorter and the temperature steadily drops, knowing that you have done everything in your power to minimize the risk of your comfort being disrupted will make for a far more relaxing few months. 

It’s a good idea to start considering where improvements can be made when the weather is still pleasant, as some jobs will require a significant amount of time spent outdoors. Here are some tips on how to get your house ready for winter before it’s too late.

Check your heating system

It’s likely that after a good few months of balmy weather, you won’t have even shed a thought for your central heating system and whether it will function to the same standard as the previous year.

Checking your boiler works efficiently before the freezing weather arrives can help avoid awkward, and very cold, situations further down the line. It also means that if it is broken, you will be able to get the problem sorted quicker than in the winter when demand for plumbers tends to soar.

Clear your gutters

Ensuring that water can drain freely from your gutters without getting held up is essential for the smooth running of your home during the winter. Failure to do so can be disastrous, resulting in structural damage, damp walls and mold on the interior walls.

The easiest way to clear them is to call in the help of professionals, who will be able to quickly identify any blockage and solve the issue to the correct standard. Companies like First Star Exteriors deal, among other maintenance, with clearing gutters and making sure they are prepared for a long winter ahead.

Sweep the chimney

The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) advises that homeowners with chimneys contact a professional chimney sweep for an inspection and cleaning at least once a year. This is because even if your chimney appears to be in excellent condition, a build up of creosote - a highly flammable substance - can occur inside the walls of the flue, making it dangerous to use.

The NFPA also recommends the installation of a sufficient number of fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, while checking the batteries on existing ones to ensure you will be alerted in good time should an incident with your fireplace occur.

Get good cover

Making sure you have adequate home insurance during the winter months is essential, particularly if living in areas that are likely to experience adverse weather conditions. Most policies cover the typical effects of bad weather, such as flooding or burst pipes, however other events like storm damage may not be included.

It is well worth the time to sit down and meticulously go through all the different options to ensure you are fully covered with regards to your own circumstances.


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24